Thursday, April 16, 2020


1.       One branch in the study of Kenyan history.                                          
(i)       Social.
(ii)      Political
(iii)     Economic                                                                           (1 x 1 = 1mk)

2.       Two political roles of the Orkoiyot among the Nandi.                           
(i)       Advised leaders on community affairs.
(ii)      Arbitration in disputes.
(iii)          Advised and blessed warriors before going to war.
(iv)          He was the community spokesperson.                                  (2 x 1 = 2mks)

3.       One difference in the social practices of the Luyha and Ameru in the 19th century.
(i)              The Ameru initiated both boys and girls while the Luyia circumcised only boys.                                                                                               (1 x 1 = 1mk)

4.       Main reason that made the Borana migrate to Kenya from Southern Ethiopia
in 1897.                                                                             
(i)       They migrated to avoid conquest by Menelik II of Ethiopia who had imposed
heavy taxes on them.                                                           (1 x 1 = 1mk)

5.       Give one evidence to show the Chinese reached the East African Coast.         
          (i)       Presence of Chinese coins.
          (ii)      Porcelain remains.
          (iii)     Written documents including periplus of Erythrean Sea.        (1 x 1 = 1mk)

6.       State two negative effects of the Indian Ocean trade on the Kenyan people.        
          (i)       Decline of local industries.
          (ii)      Intensification of inter-community warfare.
          (iii)     Colonization.
          (iv)     Destruction of wildlife.     
          (v)      Introduced slave trade.                                                        (2 x 1 = 2mks)

7.       Two ways can the government limit ones right to own property.
          (i)       The government may acquire an individuals property for public use but the
                    individual will be compensated.
(ii)            Property illegally acquired can be confiscated by the government or returned
to the rightful owner.                                                           (2 x 1 = 2mks)

8.       Two National symbols of the Republic in the constitution of Kenya.    
          (i)       Coat of arms.
          (ii)      National anthem.
          (iii)     National flag.                                                                      (2 x 1 = 2mks)

9.       Two leaders who led the Agiriama against the British during the colonial period.                   (i)       Mekatilili wa Menza.
          (ii)      Wanje wa Madorika                                                                      (2 x 1 = 2mks)

10.     The commission that recommended a uniform system of education in all
government and mission schools during the colonial period.                
(i)       Phelp – stokes commission.                                                 (1 x 1 = 1mk)

11.     Name the executive head of the colony in colonial Kenya.                    
          (i)       The governor.                                                                     (1 x 1 = 1mk)

12.     Two reasons why Africans moved to urban centres in colonial Kenya.
          (i)       The recreation and social amenities in urban centres.
          (ii)      Job prospects in towns.
          (iii)     Congestion in the reserves.
          (iv)     To escape forced labour and taxation.
          (v)      The African entrepreneur were in search of wider markets in towns.
                                                                                                              (2 x 1 = 2mks)

13.     Two reasons why oathing was necessary among the Mau Mau freedom fighters.                 (i)       To ensure members remained loyal, honest and secretive.
          (ii)      To inspire and encourage members.
          (iii)     To unite members to one cause.                                           (2 x 1 = 2mks)

14.     Two qualifications for the appointment in the office of Kadhi.             
          (i)       One must profess the Muslim religion.
          (ii)      Must possess knowledge of the Muslim law,                        (2 x 1 = 2mks)

15.     One reason that can make the national government in Kenya to suspend a county
          (i)       If a county government is unable to perform its functions.
          (ii)      If the county government does not operate a financial management system
that complies with the requirement prescribed by national legislation.
                                                                                          (1 x 1 = 1mk)

16.     One contribution of “Harambee” movement to the development of health
services in Kenya.                                                                      
(i)       Funds have been collected to build health facilities.
(ii)      Funds have been collected to facilitate medical bills.            (1 x 1 = 1mk)

17.     Main function of the equalization fund.                                                
          (i)       To provide basic services of water health, electricity, roads to marginalized
area.                                                                                   (1 x 1 = 1mk)

18.     (a)      Give three social aspects borrowed by the Bantu from the Cushities
during the pre-colonial period.                                                             
(i)              Circumcision
(ii)            Age-set.
(iii)          Religion – Some Bantu communities adopted Islam from the
Cushites e.g. Somali

History Paper 1MS                                         2                                                Kirinyaga Central
(b)            Describe the political organization of the Somali during the pre-colonial
(i)              The clan was the basic political unit.
(ii)            Had a council of elders which was in charge of day to day affairs of the clan.
(iii)          They had an age set system.
(iv)          They had leaders called sultan whose role was mainly advisory.
(v)            There existed warriors whose main duty was to protect the community.
(vi)          There existed people with special responsibilities e.g. Sheikhs and medicine men.                                                                        (6 x 2 = 12mks)     
19.     (a)      Five reasons why the missionaries established settlements for freed slaves
in Kenya in the 19th century.                                   
(i)              To end slave trade.
(ii)            To teach freed slaves vocational trades e.g. carpentry, agriculture.
(iii)          To spread the gospel to the freed slaves.
(iv)          To rehabilitate the freed slaves.
(v)            To provide a home for freed slaves.
(vi)          To provide health services to the slaves.                    (Any 5 x 1 = 5mks)

(b)            Five ways in which the introduction of Christianity undermined African
(i)              Conversion of Africans to Christianity led to abandonment of African
(ii)            Converted Africans were encouraged to settle at the mission stations
hence uprooting them from their traditional set up.
(iii)           The missionaries condemned some African cultural practices as
primitive and backwards.
(iv)          Introduction of Western medicine made Africans to abandon their
traditional medicine.
(v)            Introduction of Western education by missionaries made Africans
abandon their culture.                                                (Any 5 x 2 = 10mks)

20.     (a)      Terms of Devonshire White Paper of 1923.                      
                    (i)       The Kenyan highlands were to be exclusively for the white settlers.
                    (ii)      The Indians would elect five members to the legislative council not
on common roll but on a communal roll.
(iv)          The European settlers demand for self government in Kenya was rejected.
(v)            Racial segregation in all residential areas was abolished.
(vi)          The interest of Africans were to be given priority before those of the
(vii)        The colonial secretary would exercise strict control over the affairs
of the colony.
(viii)      A missionary would be nominated to the legislative council to
represent the interest of Africans.
                    (ix)     The settlers had maintained their representation in legislative council.
                                                                                (Any 5 x 1 = 5mks)

History Paper 1MS                                         3                                                Kirinyaga Central
(b)            Five impacts of colonial land policies in Kenya during the colonial period.
(i)              The best available land was curved out for the construction of the railway.
(ii)            Africans were pushed into reserves specially allocated to them. 
These reserves were characterized by overcrowding and overstocking.
(iii)          The situation in the reserves forced many Africans to look for alternative settlement.
(iv)          Those who settled in European farms became squatters.
(v)            Land alienation disrupted traditional structures.  Communities could
no longer move in search of better lands and pastures.
(vi)          Taxes which had to be paid in monetary forms were imposed on Africans
to force them to seek wage employment.
(vii)        The land issue was a source of great resentment and was one of the
primary grievances.
(viii)      The reserving of the highlands for the exclusive use of European denied
Indians access to agricultural land forcing them to establish residence and businesses in the urban centres.                      (Any 5 x 2 = 10mks)                                                          
21.     (a)      Identify three types of land holdings in Kenya today.                           
                    (i)       Public land.
                    (ii)      Community land.
                    (iii)     Private land.                                                             (3 x 1 = 3mks)
(b)            Explain six challenges facing the agricultural sector in Kenya.            
(i)              Poor infrastructure in some parts of the country has led to great losses
if farm produce thus reducing earnings of farmers.
(ii)            The unstable prices of agricultural commodities on the local/world
market has discouraged farmers.
(iii)          Various parts of the country have been affected by drought/famine
thus forcing the government to provide relief food.
(iv)          Farmers produce is often destroyed by pests after harvest leading
to food shortages/poor storage.
(v)            Poor technology/use of traditional methods has contributed to low yields.
(vi)          Politically instigated ethnic clashes have discouraged farmers from
carrying out intense farming due to insecurity.
(vii)        The population of Kenya has been growing faster than the gains
made in the agricultural sector.
(viii)      Corrupt government officials have grabbed/sold research land thereby
affecting the operations of research institutions.
(ix)          Farming has become a costly venture thus most farmers are not able to
meet the high cost of inputs.
(x)            Overproduction of similar agricultural products leads to wastage due to
lack of buyers.
(xi)          Mismanagement of co-operatives has impoverished farmers/delayed
(xii)        Shortage of agricultural extension officers has made it difficult for farmers
to get advice on how best to carry out agricultural activities.
(xiii)      Competition from COMESA/industrialized nations has frustrated Kenyan farmers.                                                            (6 x 2 = 12mks)

History Paper 1MS                                         4                                                Kirinyaga Central
22.     (a)      Name three rights of aliens in Kenya.                                                   
                    (i)       To own property.
                    (ii)      Freedom of movement.
                    (iii)     Right to reside in any part of Kenya.
                    (iv)     Freedom to enter and leave Kenya.
                    (v)      Right to services offered by the government of Kenya e.g. health, education.
                    (vi)     Right to enjoy services offered by Kenyan courts.      (3 x 1 = 3mks)

          (b)      Explain six civic responsibilities of Kenyan citizens.                            
                    (i)       Obedience to the laws of the land.
                    (ii)      Payment of taxes.
                    (iii)     Duty to protect life
                    (iv)     Participation in community activities.
                    (v)      Being gender sensitive.
                    (vi)     Non-discrimination.
(vii)    Conservation of environment.
(viii)   Promotion of high moral behaviour.                           (6 x 2 = 12mks)

23.     (a)      Why are general elections conducted in Kenya every five years.          
                    (i)       In order to give citizens a chance to choose leaders whom they have
confidence in.
(ii)      To enable MPs to be responsive to the development needs of the
electorate/keep MPs on their toes.
(iii)     It is a constitutional requirement for elections to be held every five years.
(iv)     They give citizens a chance to exercise their democratic right by electing
leaders of their choice.
(v)      They help to generate new ideas by offering alternative ways of running
the government through different political parties manifestos.
(vi)     To inject new blood into parliament and government. (5 x 1 = 5mks)

          (b)      Explain five functions of the public service commission.                      
                    (i)       Provides services to the people especially service ministries like health
and education.
                    (ii)      Implements government policies and programmes.
                    (iii)     Interprets government policies to the people so that they can willingly
participate in their implementation.
                    (iv)     Maintains government records.
                    (v)      Advises cabinet secretaries on matters of policy.
                    (vi)     Ensures continuity in government operations since the public service
is permanent while politicians come and go.
                    (vii)    Collects government revenue through Licenses.                   (5 x 2 = 10mks)

History Paper 1MS                                         5                                                Kirinyaga Central
24.     (a)      Identify five sources of public revenue in Kenya.                                                      (i)       Domestic borrowing.
                    (ii)      Profit from parastals.
                    (iii)     Foreign aid.
                    (iv)     Sale of treasury bills.
                    (v)      Court fines.
                    (vi)     Taxes e.g. V.A.T.
(vii)    Charges on government services.
(viii)   Licenses fees.                                                           (5 x 1 = 5mks)

(b)            Explain five challenges facing the government of Kenya in her efforts to
raise revenue.                                                                             
(i)              Tax evasion by some people/organization.
(ii)            Many people give wrong information in the wealth declaration forms.
(iii)          Rich people keep their money in foreign banks denying the country interest.
(iv)          Negative attitude towards payment of taxes by many people due to ignorance.
(v)            Unscrupulous Kenyans and ax officials collude and defraud the government
of revenue.
(vi)          Inadequate information for local investors through treasury bills post office bonds and Shares of NSE.
(vii)        Smuggling of goods out of/into Kenya.
(viii)      High rate of inflation increases public expenditure.
(ix)          High public wage bill making the government unable to save.
(Any 5 x 2 = 10mks)

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