Thursday, April 16, 2020


SECTION A                 (25 Marks)

1.         Two disadvantages of Oral traditions as a source of History.           (2x1 = 2 marks)
i)          Information may be exaggerated.
ii)         Some information may be forgotten or omitted.
iii)        Informant may deliberately conceal some important information.
iv)        Oral tradition does not provide dates.
v)         Its an expensive method of getting information.
vi)        Oral tradition is time consuming.

2.         The name of the Historical site where the remains of Kenyapithecus were first discovered.                                                                   1x1
·       Fort Ternan in Kericho.

3.         Ways in which the River-Lake Nilotes interacted with the Abagusii.
                                                                                    2x1 = 2 marks
i)          Through trade
ii)         Through intermarriage
iii)        Through warfare/raiding
iv)        Sporting activities

4.         The main factor which contributed to plantation Agriculture at the Coast of East Africa.                                                                       1X1 = 1 mark
·       Availability of slave labour.

5.         One political factor that made the Akamba to participate in long distance trade.                                                                                                                                     1x1 = 1

4.         The main factor which contributed to plantation Agriculture at the Coast of East Africa.                                                                                                                       (1 mark)
·       Availability of slave labour.

5.         One political factor that made the Akamba to participate in long distance. 1x1
·       Able leadership offered by Chief Kivoi

6.         Name the constitutional commission responsible for defending Human Rights in Kenya.                               1x1
·       The Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission.

7.         Two special groups of people to whom the Bill of Rights applies to persons with disabilities in Kenya.                                      2x1 = 2 marks
i)          The older members of the society.
ii)         The youth.
iii)        Children.
iv)        Arrested persons.
v)         Detailed /held in custody/imprisoned.

8.         State two duties of the British Governor in Kenya during the colonial period.                                                                                                                       (2x1)
i)          Represented the British Government.
ii)         Was overall administrator in the colony.
iii)        Supervised the Provincial Administration.
iv)        Gave assent to Bills.
v)         appointed/nominated members of the LEGCO and the Executive Council.

9.         Two features of missionary education in colonial Kenya.                  (2x1)
i)          It was elementary
ii)         It was industrial and technical in approach.
iii)        It was denominational and aimed at inculcating doctrines in the learners.

10.      Two characteristics of political parties formed after 1945.               2x1 = 2

i)          Nation wide
ii)         Militant
iii)        Demanded independence
iv)        Led by mission educational Africans
v)         Have a large following

11.      Identify one factor which hinders free and fair elections in Kenya.  1x1=1
i)          Rigging
ii)         Bribes
iii)        Violence
iv)        Inadequate civic education
v)         Illiteracy among citizens

12.      Two reasons why the Kenya Parliament is regarded as supreme.  (2x1)
i)          It is the main law making organ.
ii)         Can check the executive through impeachment and vote of no confidence.
Can also reduce powers of the executive through constitutional amendment.
iii)        Bill prepared by Cabinet must be legislated in Parliament.
iv)        Approves government revenue and expenditure.
v)         Cabinet secretaries are accountable to Parliament.
vi)        Approves Presidential appointments.

13.      One source of the Nyayo Philosophy.                            (1x1)
i)          The Biblical teachings of the 10 commandments
ii)         Sessional Paper No.10 of 1965
iii)        Moi’s long political career.                       

14.      The education Commission that led to the introduction of 8-4-4 system of education.                                        (1x1 = 1)
·       Presidential working party on the Second University 91982) chaired by Professor Mackay.

15.      Two ways in which the Government promotes Kenyan Culture.     (2x1)
i)          Creation of ministry of Sports, culture and Gender.
ii)         Sponsoring annual Music and Drama Festival in schools and colleges.
iii)        Establishment of Kenya National Theatre, Bomas of Kenya.
iv)        Licensing of Art Galleries.
v)         Incorporation of Oral Literature in the education curriculum.

16.      Two qualifications one must meet to be a member of a county assembly.2x1
i)          Be a registered voter.
ii)         Satisfy educational moral and ethical criteria specified in the constitution.
iii)        Nominated by a Political Party or be supported by at least 500 registered voters in the ward if an independent candidate.

17.      One type of Public Expenditure by the National Government of Kenya.            1x1
i)          Recurrent expenditure.
ii)         Capital expenditure.
iii)        Supplementary expenditure.

SECTION B                 (45 Marks)

18.a)   Give three characteristics of the earliest inhabitants to occupy Kenya.(3 marks)
i)          They spoke a language with a ‘click’ sound.
ii)         They lived a nomadic lifestyle.
iii)        They gathered wild fruits and dug up tubers.
iv)        They hunted wild animals for food.
v)         They made and used stone tools.
vi)        They practiced fishing using harpoons.
vii)       They buried their dead.
viii)      They made and used pottery.
                                                                        (1x3 = 3 marks)

b)        Explain six results of the migration and settlement of the Highland Nilotes in Kenya.                                                                                                       (12 marks)
i)          Their migration led to increase in population in the region.
ii)         There was increased conflicts in the region.
iii)        Some highland Nilotes assimilated Bantu cultures e.g. the Terik borrowed many Abaluhyia cultures and language.
iv)        There were intermarriages with neighboring groups.
v)         Trading activities intensified.
vi)        They displaced the people they came across e.g. Abagusii and Kwavi Maasai.
                                                                                                            (6x2 = 12 marks

19.a)    State three functions of mission stations  in Kenya in the 19th Century.  (3 marks)
i)          They acted as centres of evangelism/churches.
ii)         They acted as homes/residential centres of the Missionaries.
iii)        They were Centres of imparting Western Education/ schools.
iv)        They served as hospitals.
v)         They served as homes for the freed slaves.
vi)        Accommodation centres for the rejected African converts.
                                                                                    (Any 3x1 = 3 marks)

b.         Explain six factors that facilitated missionary activities in Kenya in the 19th century.
 (12 marks)
i)          Support given to the early missionaries by Seyyid Said.
ii)         Lack of a dominant religion in the interior as Islam was only practiced at the Coast.
iii)        African converts helped in the spread of Christianity and taught the missionaries local languages.
iv)        Translation of the Bible into local languages.
v)         Use of Kiswahili by the missionaries and the local inhabitants helped overcome language barriers.
vi)        Discovery of Quinine encouraged more missionaries to come to Kenya.
vii)            Establishment of colonial government ensured protection of the missionaries.
viii)      The building of the Kenya/Uganda railway enabled missionaries to move into the interior.
                                                                                                            (Any 6x2 = 12 marks)

20.a)    State five causes of the Agiriama Resistance.                                              (5 marks)
i)          They were forced to produce able-bodied men for military duties in the King’s African Rifles (K.A.R.)
ii)         The British officials insulted the Agiriama culture by raping Agiriama women.
iii)        Disruption of trade as the British took over the role of the middlemen.
iv)        Forced labour with no pay.
v)         Forced to pay hut tax.
vi)        They disliked the British appointment of headmen.
vii)       Massive land alienation.
                                                                                                            (Any five x 1 = 5 marks)

b.         Explain five results of the collaboration of Nabongo Mumia with the British.   (5 marks)
i)          Nabongo Mumia was declared a paramount chief.
ii)         Mumia’s warriors became agents of the British administration.
iii)        Mumia’s became the centre of colonial administration.(Mumias)
iv)        Mumias became a major terminus of trade caravans to Uganda.
v)         His cooperation intensified hostility and enemity between his people and other Abaluhya sub-tribes.
vi)        The Wanga got support from the British to expand their territory to Samia, Bunyala and Busoga.
vii)       Mumia and his people acquired material benefits through trade, western education and religion.
i)                 Mumia readily provided the British with vital information over the appointment of chiefs and headmen in Western Kenya.
                                                                  (Any 5x2 = 5 marks)

21.a)   State three reasons why the British government encouraged white settlement in Kenya.
i)          The colonial government wanted to make Kenya a White Man’s country.
ii)         The settlers were expected to meet the cost of administration and railway construction.
iii)        The settlers were expected to produce raw materials for the many industries in Britain.
iv)        The Kenya Highlands were suitable for European settlement due to the cool climate.
v)         The colonial government wanted to control the Indian influence in Kenya by settling more whites.
vi)        Africans lacked the funds and knowledge to practice farming on a large scale basis which forced the government o look for the white settlers.
                                                                                                            (Any 5x1 = 5 marks)

b)        Explain six problems experienced by the European settlers in Kenya.
-           There were constant raids by the local communities such as the Nandi, Maasai
and Agikuyu.
-                  Africans were not willing to offer labour which was needed on its settler farms.
-           The settlers lacked basic farming knowledge and experience.
-           The settlers faced a serious shortage of capital which hindered the buying of farm inputs and machinery.
-           Marketing was difficult during the inter-war period. This led to price fluctuations.
-           The settlers experienced transport problems due to lack of roads and railways.
-           The climate and soil was alien to the settlers and so were the seasons.
-           Their farming activities required a lot of money which the settlers did not have.
                                                                                                                        (6x2 = 12 marks)

SECTION C.                (30 Marks)

22.a)   Identify five characteristic of a written constitution.             (5 marks)
i)          Provides a clear guideline in case of crisis/transition.
ii)         It is rigid and cannot easily be manipulated.
iii)        It is ideal for a newly formed state.
iv)        It preserves the identity of diverse ethnic and racial groups.
v)         Promotes unity since it is arrived at after thorough consideration by a product of   consensus.
vi)        Procedures for the amendments are clearly spelt out.

b)        Explain five similarities between the independent constitution and the new constitution of Kenya (2010).                                              (10 marks)
i)          Bicameral legislature.
ii)         Regionalism/devolved government.
iii)        Civil service/public service
iv)        Independent judiciary.
v)         Impartial electoral commission.
vi)        The bill of rights.
                                                                                                (5x2 = 10)

23.a)   State five functions of correctional services in Kenya.                        (5 marks)
i)          They confine prisoners convicted by the court of law.
ii)         They keep watch over the behavior of suspected criminals whose cases are still pending in a court of law.
iii)        They execute or implement decisions of the courts.
iv)        They rehabilitate prisoners.
v)         They offer prisoners vocational training in various field.
vi)        They take care of the welfare of prisoners by providing them with medical attention.
vii)       They confine suspected criminal who are a threat to state security.

b)        Explain five reforms that have been introduced in the correctional institutions in Kenya.                                 (10 marks)
i)          Introduction of community service for petty offenders to decongest prisons.
ii)         Living conditions of prisoners have been improved e.g. medical service, provision of decent clothing, beddings and better diet.
iii)        Release of petty offenders and death-row inmates from time to time through presidential amnesty has eased congestion.
iv)        Employing and training of more personnel e.g. counselors to aid in rehabilitation of prisoners.
v)         Living conditions for prison warders have been improved through construction of better houses.
vi)        Terms of services of the warders have been enhanced through better remuneration.
vii)       Provision of efficient means of transport e.g. purchase of new buses to transport prisoners.
viii)      Hearing and determination of cases has been streamlined to reduce backlog of pending cases guaranteed suspects of fair trial.

24.a)   Identify five reasons why the government of Kenya prepares a budget annually.                                                                                                       (5 marks)
i)          To enable the government to source for revenue for the activities.
ii)         To enable the government to identify ways in which to spend the revenue.
iii)        To help the government to priorities development needs.
iv)        To provide valuable information not those who would want to invest in the country.
v)         To create confidence among foreign countries.
vi)        To help the government assess its performance.
vii)       To enhance accountability and transparency.

b.        Explain five ways in which the National Government spends its revenue.
                                                                                                                                    (10 marks)
i)          The government spends its revenue on the payment of salaries to civil servants and other officials.
ii)         The government repairs and maintains roads and other public infrastructures.
iii)        The government purchases stationeries for use in public offices across the country.
iv)        The government purchases drugs for all public hospitals managed by the National government.
v)         The governments uses the revenue in the payment of subscriptions to bodies and organizations the government belongs to e.g. UN, AU.
vi)        The revenue is used for emergency needs like victims of floods, disasters, outbreak of diseases ad fire victims.
viii)      The government also gives assistance to other friendly countries which have experienced disasters.

                                                                                                5x2 = 10 marks

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