Thursday, April 16, 2020


1.     Give two chemicals dating methods used by archeologists                                                  ( 2mks)
i.                 Radios carbon dating
ii.               Potassium argon dating
2.     State one important points in Charles Darwin’s theory of material selection                     (1mk)
i.                 All  living organisms are unique based hereditary factors
ii.               Out of the many offspring’s produced only a few of these manage to develop to maturity
iii.             Only these offspring’s that are able to constantly adapt to the existing environment survive
iv.             Among the offspring’s only the fittest ones survive
v.                Isolation and adaptation are the last stages in evolution
3.     Mention two ways in which the invention of the wheel promoted early have no point       (2mks)
i.                 Facilitated travelling over long distance
ii.               It facilitated transportation  of heavy loads
iii.             Facilitated speedy transportation of people and goods
iv.             Enhanced expansion of paths into wider loads
v.               Enhanced the movement of soldiers during wars
4.     Name two metals that were used as currency in pre-colonial African                                 (2ks)
i.                 Gold
ii.               Copper
iii.             Iron
5.     Identify one social consequences of the development of early agriculture in Egypt (1mk)
i.                 It led to population  increase
ii.               It led to settled /permanent/sedentary life
iii.             Led to development of urban centers/urbanization
iv.             Led to development of uniting/authentic
6.     Give two main items of the Trans-Saharan trade from western Sudan ( 2mks)
i.                 Gold
ii.               Slaves
iii.             Kola nuts
iv.             Feathers
v.               Hides and skins
vi.             Ivory
vii.           Gum
viii.         Dyed cloth
ix.             Pepper 
7.     State one limitation of using five and smoke signals in communication( 1mk)
i.                 Not universal/messages limited to the communities using them
ii.               They conveyed messages faster
iii.             A cheaper method of passing a message
iv.             Depended on the prevailing weather
8.     Identify two social function of the ancient Greek city of Athens ( 2mks)
i.                 Education center
ii.               Sports center
iii.             Center for debate i.e. Agora
iv.             Religious center
9.     The chartered company that was used to administer Tanganyika during the process of colonization
( 1mk)
-        German East Africa company
10.  Name one mandated territory in Africa                                                                                 (1mk)
i.                 Togo
ii.               Tanganyika
iii.             Cameroon
iv.             Namibia
v.               Rwanda urungi
11.  Give two economic reasons which made European countries to resemble for colonies in Africa (2mks) 
i.                 New sources of  raw materials for their industries
ii.               Looking for new markets for their industrial products
iii.             Looking for places to invest their surplus capital
iv.             Looking for places to supply them with labour.
12.  The leader of the Inkatha freedom party during the 1994 election in South African (1mk)
-        Mangosuthe  Buthelezi
13.  Two ways in which mwalimu Julius Nyerere promoted the development of education in Tanganyika (2mks)
v.               Provision of free universal education beginning 1977
vi.             Primary education was made compulsory in 1978
vii.           Establishment of university of Dares salaam and Sokoine university of agriculture
viii.         Education system was overhauled in the administration, curriculum and basic concepts
14.  The main duty of the executive secretary of ECOWAS (1mk)
-        Day-to-day administration of ECOWAS
15.  The main role of the British Monarch in relation to the Anglican church of England ( 1mk)
-        Appointment of bishops and archbishop of the Anglican church of England
16.  Name one of the main political parties in Britain (1mk0
i.                 Conservative party
ii.               Liberal party
iii.             Social democratic party
17.  Two treaties  signed between the  allies and the central powers at the end of the 1st world war(2mk)
i.                 The treaty  of Versailles
ii.               Treaty of St. germain 
iii.             Treaty of Neuilly
iv.             Treaty of Trianon
v.               Treaty of services /treaty of Lausanne

18.  a. Three similarities between early agriculture in Mesopotamia and Egypt (3mks)
i.                 Both developed a system of storage and preservation of farm produce
ii.               There was availability of water for irrigation
iii.             Both of them developed a system of irrigation
iv.             Both used farms implements e.g. Stone, wood and later metal tools e.g. Ox-ploughs
v.               Both also leased animals e.g. Sheep, cattle and children
vi.             Both developed writing/authentic to keep farm wounds
vii.           Both handed in farm produce.

b.Explain this results of agrarian revolution on Britain (12mks)
i.       It led to increased food production as better scientific methods were used
ii.     It led to rapid population growth due to increased food production
iii.   Led to introduction of capital farming i.e agriculture was in the hands of professional farmers
iv.   Capital farming led to emergence of landless peasants as land was consolidated
v.     Capital farming also led to development of wage labour
vi.   Led to development of agro-based industries  e.g carving
vii. It encouraged trade in agricultural produce
viii.         It led to rural-urban migration as landless peasant moved to towns to seek employment
ix.   It led to increase in price of land and land rent
x.     Led to the development of plantation agriculture as farmers abandoned insistence agriculture
xi.   Led to transfer of scientific skills from Britain to other counties e.g USA
xii. It led to improved transport system
xiii.         Mechanization led to decrease in demand for farm labour
19.  Five factors that facilitated the development of Trans-Saharan trade (5mks)
i.                 Availability of capital from the Berbers and Turges
ii.               Existence of local trade in the western Sudan belt
iii.             Availability of trade goods e.g. gold, houses, ivory etc
iv.             High demand for goods especially from the South
v.               Existence of co-operation between the Berbers and Tuaregs
vi.             Tuaregs provided security and maintained the oases
vii.           Existence of park animals e.g. houses and camels for transportation
viii.         Emergence of strong rules e.g. Mansa musa who secured the market
ix.             Existed of well-established trade routes
x.               Increased contacts between North Africa and Southern Europe and the Middle East.
b.Explain ways in which Trnas-Sharan trade led to the development of kingdoms in western Sudan (10mks)
i.       It was a source of revenue and brought wealth to the kingdoms
ii.     Kings acquired houses and five aims which they used to expand
iii.   Blamic law cohesion was introduced by traders and was used in administration of kingdoms
iv.   Kings were able to acquire personal wealth through trade and they became powerful and commanded respect
v.     Muslims personnel were used by the kings as advisors and societies.  This led to effective administration
vi.   It stimulated local trade which generated wealth  the state
20.  a. State five resolution of the Berlin conference (5mks)
i.                 Any state laying claim to any part of Africa must inform other interested parties
ii.               All signatories must declare their sphere of influence i.e. an area under their occupation
iii.             Effective occupation of areas declared sphere of influence
iv.             Any European power acquiring territory must stamp out slave trade and safeguard African interest
v.               Basis of rivers Congo and Niger left for five navigation by any European power ‘
vi.             Any European  power claiming any part of the African coast had to take the interior land
vii.           The powers recognized king Leopold’s claim over Congo free state
viii.         Any power wishing to declare a protectorate in Africa had to show its authority in the region.
b.Explain the role played by religion in the Majimaji uprising of 1905-1907 (10mks)
i.       Religious leaders organized the uprising e.g. Kinjekitile Ngwale
ii.     Religious united and brought several communities together to fight the Germans
iii.   Religious helped in the spread of the rebellion and recruitment of soldiers
iv.   It provided ideology/propaganda which guided the warriors
v.     It threatened and worried those supportive to the German
vi.   Gave hope to the fighters that there who died joined the ancestors
vii. It provided courage and determination to the fighters to face the German
21.  State three characteristics of direct rule in Zimbabwe (3mks)
i.       The practice of racial segregation
ii.     Africans were to provide labour in the Europe’s farms
iii.   Massive land alienation for white settlers farming
iv.   Presence of large number of European settlers which influenced system  of administration
v.     The  belief by the British that the colony was pre-ordained to be a white settlers colony
vi.   Administration by BSACO
vii. Administration by white performing even simple administrative duties
viii.         Traditional rules were deprived of their judicial powers
ix.   Africans education was discouraged
b. Explain five results of the British direct rule in Zimbabwe (10mks)
i.       Large facts of land were taken away from the Africans by the white settlers
ii.     African indigenous rules lost their political power
iii.   Africans were subjected to intense economic exploitation e.g through taxation ,forced labour
iv.   Africans were forced to provide cheap labour on the white farms
v.     White settlers enhanced the production of cash crops
vi.   Transport ,trade and industry were developed in settlers regions
vii. International justice

22.  a. State three functions of the assembly of the league of nations (3mks)
i.                 To control the badger ( including contributions and expenditures) of the league
ii.               To admit new members to the organization
iii.             To appoint non-permanent members to the league
iv.             To consider treaties of the organization
v.               To supervise the work of the league of nations council
vi.             To appoint the 15 judges of the permanent court of international justice

b. Explain six causes of the First World War (12mks)
i.       Economic usually among European power
ii.     Colonial rivalry
iii.   \the first monocean crisis
iv.   The second monocean crisis
v.     The Italo-Turkish colonial disputes over Libya
vi.   The arms race
vii. The system of alliance
viii.  Need for ravage 
ix.   Nationalism among European powers
x.     The Bachan wars of 1912-1913
23.  a. Identify three aims of Pan-African movement (3mks)
i.                 to unite of the peoples of African descent
ii.               to challenge the ideology of white supremacy
iii.             to improve the African conditions in the continent and in the diaspora
iv.             to restone the dignity of the black people
v.               to create a forum through which protects against colonialism would be channeled
vi.             to fight neo-colonialism
b.Explain six challenges that faced EAC before 2001(12mks)
i.       suspicious among members states especially on superiority  of Kenya
ii.     Kenyan businessmen complain that Tanzania subjects their products to tariff  buriers
iii.   Transboided struggling of vehicles and other goods across the boarders
iv.   Obtained relation between Kenyan and Uganda over Migingo Inland and the mistreatment of Kenyan fishermen
v.     Cattle –rustling across the boarders leading to insecurity and deaths e.g. between Kenyan and Uganda boarders
vi.   Divided loyalty as EAC members also belong to the regional block e.g. SADC, COMESA.
24.  A. State five advantages of federal system of government as practiced in USA (5mks)
i.                 It enables different state to live together but retain their district   identities
ii.               Enables the states to have more economic viability since cash state can access the market in other states
iii.             States can tackle their common problems jointly
iv.             Security for small states is ensured since there is existence of a joint defense
v.               Federation enables reveal states to work as one political unit
vi.             Ensures the interest small states and minority groups are protected
vii.           Enables members states to benefit from the federal  pool of resources
viii.         It eases trade by eliminating custom duties and by the use of a common currency

b. Describe five functions of the house of common (10mks)
i.       To legislate /make laws but the monarchy and the house of hounds can vets such laws
ii.     It’s the guardian of the national wealth and have controls finance
iii.   It calls attention to abuses in society and demands the settlement of public grievances
iv.   It controls the executive and can force the cabinet to resign through a reduction  of a non-confidence vote
v.     It’s a training ground for future leaders

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