Thursday, April 16, 2020


Section A (25 marks)
1. State one feature of a government.                                                                              (1 mark)
(i)    It has rules
(ii)  Legitimacy from the subjects
(iii)   Sovereignity
(v)  Law enforcement                                                                                     (Any 1x1=1 mark)
2. Give two reasons why early man moved from the forests to settle in the grasslands.                                                                                                                                            (2 marks)
(i)    There were more wild animals and fruits in the savanna.
(ii)  Climate was warmer in the grasslands.
(iii)                    Presence of water in the grasslands.                                                      (Any 2x1=2 marks)
3. Identify the earliest method of trade used during the Trans-Saharan trade.         (1 mark)
(i) Silent Trade                                                                                                    (1x1=1 mark)
4. State two forms of picture writing during the early civilization.                              (2 marks)
(i)    Hieroglyphics
(ii)  Cuneiform                                                                                                      (2x1=2 marks)
5. Name two countries that pioneered space exploration in the world.                        (2 marks)
(i)    USA
(i)    Russia                                                                                                             (2x1=2 marks)
6. Give one way in which poor transport hinders industrialization in the Third World countries.                                                                                                                             (1 mark)
(i)    Raw materials fail to reach industries in time leading to delay and perishable raw materials going bad.
(ii)  Finished products do not reach markets on time and can also go bad resulting to losses.
                                                                                                                 (Any 1x1=1 mark)
7. Identify the contribution of Dr. Christian Bernard in the field of medicine.          (1 mark)
(i) Heart Transplant.                                                                                             (1x1=1 mark)
8. State one way in which centralization of power contributed to success in the Baganda
    Kingndom.                                                                                                           (1 mark)
(i)    It ensured effective control of the kingndom, the Kabaka appointed his own chiefs who owed their positions to him.                                                                               (1x1=1 mark)
9. Identify two ways in which industrialization in Europe contributed to colonization of Africa.                                                                                                                               (2 marks)
(i)    The Europeans wanted raw materials for their industries
(ii)  They wanted a market for their manufactured goods
(iii)                    They were looking for places to invest their capital.                                         (Any2x1=2 marks)
10. Name one fighting technique employed by Samouri Toure against the French.  (1 mark)
(i)    Guerrilla Warfare
(ii)  Scorched Earth Policy.                                                                             (Any1x1=1 mark)
11. Give two reasons why the Schliffen plan failed during the First World War.    (2 marks)
(i)    Russia mobilized her forces faster than expected thus Germany was forced to deploy her
(ii)  forces to the Eastern front
(iii)                    Germany invasion of Belgium was not as fast as anticipated
(iv)Britain entry into the war also contributed to this delay
(v)  iv Both sides were more evenly matched than Germany had thought.  (Any2x1=2 marks).
12. State two permanent members of the Security Council.                                         (2 marks)
(i)    USA
(ii)  China
(iii)                    France
(v)  Britain                                                                                                      (Any2x1=2 marks)
13. Identify the head of the Commonwealth of Nations.                                                 (1 mark)
(i)    The Queen.                                                                                                      (1x1=1 mark)
14. Give two role played by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in the Pan African Movement. (2 marks)
(i)    He participated in the Manchester Congress of 1945 where he was the secretary
(ii)  He encouraged delegates to go back and spearhead nationalist movements for the struggle
for independence in their countries.                                                              (2x1=2 marks)
 15. Identify two ways in which the OAU contributed to the liberation of Southern African
       countries.                                                                                                                    (2 marks)
(i)    It provided material support to the freedom fighters
(ii)  It gave financial support to the nationalists
(iii)                    It provided military training camps for the nationalists
(iv)The grievances of the nationalists were presented by OAU in the international forums
(v)  It campaigned for sanctions against South Africa due to the policy of apartheid
(vi)IT provided shelter for refugees.                                                            (Any2x1=2 marks)
  16. State one political challenge faced by DRC since independence.                           (1 mark)
(i)    Political assassinations
(ii)  Ethnicism/tribalism
(iii)                    Army mutiny
(iv)Rebel groups have fought the government since independence.              (Any1x1=1 mark)
17. Name the Act of Parliament which marked the beginning of parliamentary control of       the Monarchy in Britain.                                                                                                    (1 mark)
(i) Magna Carta.                                                                                                  (1x1=1 mark)

  SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer any three questions in this section
18.                    (a)       Identify three irrigation methods used in Egypt.                        (3 marks)
(i)    Shadoof
(ii)  Canal
(iii)                    Basin                                                                                  ( 3 x 1 = 3 marks)
(b)       Explain six similarities in Early agriculture in Egypt and
                                    Mesopotamia.                                                                             (12 marks)

(i)    Both practiced agriculture along River valleys
(ii)  Depended on flood water for farming
(iii)          Had well developed systems of irrigation
(iv)Both used simple farm implements made of stone, wood and later metal
(v)  Both planted indigenous crops
(vi)Both used animal and human labour
(vii)        Both developed a system of storage and preserving of foods
(viii)      Both traded in the farm produce.                 (Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks)
19.                   (a)       State five factors for early urbanization in Africa.        (5 marks)
(i)              Development of agriculture led to the  crowding of people in settlements which subsequently developed into urban centres.
(ii)            Development of trade-some cities in pre-colonial Africa emerged out of market centres.
(iii)          Some cities grew out of religious centre which attracted population concentration.
(iv)          Some urban centres developed around administrative.
(v)            Mining centres became areas of early cities
(vi)          Harbours and ports encouraged the growth of commerce  towns
(vii)        Availability of water for domestic and irrigation & industrial use led to growth of towns
(viii)      Major crossroads influenced development of some towns
(ix)          Strategically placed for defense led people to settle in protected areas which led to development of towns.                                                                  (Any5x1=5 marks)
(b)      Explain how industrial and agrarian growth contributed to urbanization.                                                                   (10 marks)
(i)              The agrarian revolution led to increased food supply – production of surplus food promoted trade. Trading centres grew into urban centres as people settled there to engage in trading activities.
(ii)            Due to development in agriculture people had to settle. The settlement developed into urban centres.
(iii)          Agrarian revolution left many people landless in Britain.  The landless moved to urban centres searching for employment in industries this caused further expansion of urban centres.
(iv)          The development of mines during industrial revolution led to the rise of settlement around mining areas i.e. Meroe and Kush in North Africa and Nok in West Africa grew because mining activities
(v)            The Agrarian revolution supported growth of urban centres as it led to adequate food supply for growing population / settlement.
(vi)          The financial industry developed due to industrial & agricultural expansion. Bank worked added to the number of people living in urban centres i.e. London, Paris and Amsterdam.
(vii)        Some ports were used as export and import points of agricultural and manufactured products. This led to expansion to become urban centres i.e Liverpool, London, Budapest and Marceilles.
(viii)      Mechanization in agriculture displaced labourers who moved to urban centres to look for jobs and this increased urban population.
(ix)          Industrialization led to production of better and more efficient tools which made work easier. Such industries grew in an effort to satisfy the high demand for better tools and machines.                                                                        (Any 5x2=10 marks)
20.                   (a)       Identify three features of macadamized roads.                         (3 marks)
(i)              Some roads had paths on either side
(ii)            Durable
(iii)          Wide
(iv)          Straight
(v)            Cambered and had good surface drainage
(vi)          Had a smooth motoring surface
(vii)        Cheaper and quicker to construct
(viii)      Had a network of bridges.                                                           (Any3x1=3 marks)
 (b)      Explain six advantages of railway transport.                           (12 marks)
(i)              Where electric locomotion is in use, it is extremely fast means of transport
(ii)            Relatively safe as incidents of theft and accidents are few
(iii)          Use of underground trains eases traffic congestion.                            
(iv)        It is economical for transportation of goods and services over long distances
(v)       It is suitable for transporting bulky goods
(vi)          They follow a regular schedule which enables passengers to plan for their movement
   (Any6x2=12 marks)
21.                    (a)       Identify three types of nationalism in South Africa.                  (3 marks)
(i)    British nationalism
(ii)  Afrikanner nationalism
(iii)          African nationalism.                                                                          (3x1=3 marks)
(b)       Explain six roles of Nelson Mandela in the struggle for independence            
                        in  South Africa.                                                                                      (12 marks)
(i)              As a nationalist Nelson Mandela with his friends Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu established the ANC League which became affiliated to ANC.
(ii)            As Deputy President of ANC he organized the defiance campaign to protest against the oppressive apartheid laws.
(iii)          He represented, as a lawyer African nationalists who were being victimized by the racist regime.
(iv)          With others he formulated the freedom charter in 1955. This charter demanded equal rights for all races in the country.
(v)            With the ban on political parties, Mandela and others began an underground movement of armed resistance called Umkhouto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation)
(vi)          In order to win support from the international community Mandela toured over seas countries e.g. Ethiopia, London, Algeria, Tanzania, Kenya and Zambia.
 (Any6x2 = 12 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer any two questions in this section
22.                  (a)       Identify three types of spirits in Shona.                                      (3 marks)
(i)                   Vadzimu – Family spirits
(ii)                 Mhondoro – Clan spirits.
(iii)               Chamurika – National spirits.                                                                        (3x1=3 marks)
 (b)      Describe the political organization of the Shona.                     (12 marks)
(i)    The empire was ruled by an emperor who was both head of state and government (Mwenemutapa).the King as the chief religious authority.
(ii)  The office of the emperor was hereditary. When he died, his son took over leadership.
(iii)          The main factor of unity in the Shona political system was religion with  emperor as the chief religious authority.
(iv)The empire was divided into provinces, which were ruled by lesser chiefs.
(v)  There was an important symbol of national unity which was the royal fire. This fire was kept burning until the end of the king’s reign. It was from this fire that each vassal chief carried a flame to his chiefdom.
(vi)Religion was another symbol of unity with the emperor as the chief religious authority.
(vii)        The king controlled trade and used the revenue from trade to run the army and the empire.
(viii)      The king had a standing army for defence and expansion.
(ix)The emperor was assisted by the following; The Queen mother, The Queen sister,  (Emperor’s sister), Emperors  nine principal wives, The Chief Drummer, The Chief Cook, The gate keeper, The Commander of the army Senior son-in-law of the king.The Chancellor.The treasurer, the chief justice, Lesser chiefs who paid tribute to the emperor by providing labour, cattle and agricultural produce, gold, slaves ivory e.t.c.
                                                                                                                           (Any6x2=12 marks)
23.                  (a)       State five causes of the Second World War.                              (5 marks)
(i)    The treaty of the Versailles
(ii)  The weakness of the League of Nations
(iii)          Nationalism
(iv)Arms race
(v)  The Great Economic Depression
(vi)The policy of Appeasement
(vii)        Emergence of dictators
(viii)      Alliances
(ix)Rise of  Adolf Hitler and his ambition.                                                        (Any5x1=5 marks)
(b)       Explain five reasons why the Axis were defeated during the Second World War.                                                                                 (10 marks)
(i)     Shortage of valuable resources e.g. human, finances and raw materials
(ii)   The Allies had superior military strength e.g. Air Force and naval superiority
(iii) The Germans were fighting the war on many fronts i.e., Hitler verses Britain and her empire, Russian Front, In the Mediterranean Seas
(iv)  The combined resources of the British Empire, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R.
(v)    The entry of the U.S.A. into the war on the side of the Allies in 1940
(vi)   Some of the German territories turned against her
(vii)                     The Allies had more supporters than the Axis powers
(viii)                   The Axis powers made mistakes and miscalculations e.g. the winter in the Soviet Union.
                                                                                                                  (Any5x2=10 marks)
24.                    (a)       How can one become a member to the House of Lords in Britain?
       (3 marks)           

(i)    By being appointed by the monarchy
(ii)  Through hereditary
(iii)                    Through being appointed by virtue of their position in society e.g. Lords of Appeal 
            (3x1=3 marks)

(b)       Explain six roles of the Prime Minister in Britain.      (12 marks)
(i)    Appointing and dismissing ministers but with the consent of the monarchy
(ii)  Recommends to the monarchy the names of candidates for appointment of senior judicial officers in Britain e.g. Chief Justice
(iii)          Presiding or chairing cabinet meetings in Britain
(iv)Leader of his party in Britain
(v)  Settling disputes between various departments in Britain
(vi)Overseeing the execution of cabinet policies in Britain
(vii)        Changing law in the British Parliament
(viii)      He is the leader of the House of Commons                                         (Any 6x2=12 marks)

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