Thursday, April 16, 2020


1.      Two earliest inhabitants of Kenya                                                                                            (2marks)
·        Southern Cushites (Sanye or Dahalo)
·        The Gumba /Athi
·        The Dorobo (Okiek)                                                                                          ( 2x 1 = 2)
2.      The original homeland of the Bantus                                                                                       (1mark)
·        The Congo Basin                                                                                              ( 1x 1 = 1)
3.      Religious functions of the Orkoiyot among the Nandi in the 19th century
·        Presiding over religious functions
·        Advising and blessing warriors before raids or war
·        Foretelling the future
·        Acting as a rainmaker                                                                                       ( 2x 1 = 2)
4.      Factors which made it possible for the Arab traders to come to the Kenyan Coast before 1500                      
·        Accessibility of the Kenyan coast via the sea
·        Availability of funds to finance their journey
·        Availability of dhows   
·        The monsoon winds which propelled dhows to the coast                                    ( 2x 1 = 2)
5.      The document which contains the rights of citizens in Kenya
·        The Bill of rights                                                                                              ( 1x 1 = 1)
6.      Method used by the British to administer Kenya colony between 1920 and 1963
·        Direct rule
·        Indirect rule                                                                                                      ( 1x 1 = 1)
7.      Dual citizenship                                                                            
·        A citizen of Kenya by birth does not lose the citizenship by acquiring the citizenship of another country
                                                                                                                        (1x 1 = 1)
8.      Merits of democracy                                                                     
·        Founded on consent of people so leader cannot ignore
·        They get the mandate from the people who give them the authority to rule
·        Recognizes equality among all people without discrimination
·        Promotes patriotism or National pride
·        Promotes liberty and peace as it advocates for peaceful co-existence                   ( 2x 1 = 2)
9.      Consequences of conflicts                                                              
·        Can lead to death
·        Can cause poverty
·        Can lead to quarrels
·        Can lead to wars
·        Can lead to hatred
·        Can lead to insecurity
·        Can lead to economic decline                                                                            ( 2x 1 = 2)
10.   Problems faced by settlers in Kenya during the colonial period
·        Lack of capital and farm equipment
·        Lack of regular supply of labour
·        Rinderpest epidemic which hindered the expansion of the dairy industry
·        Limited market for their goods
·        Depression of commodity prices in the world market
·        Most settlers were ignorant of soil erosion and farming techniques
·        They were affected by tropical diseases                                                              ( 2x 1 = 2)
11.   The second Prime Minister of independent in Kenya                                
·        Raila Odinga    

                                                                                          ( 1x 1 = 2)

12.   Demands made by Young Kavirondo Association
·        Reduction of hut tax
·        End of land alienation
·        Abolition of Kipande system
·        Dissolution of labour camps
·        Abolition of forced labour
·        Wanted of self government for Nyanza province with an elected president          (2x 1 = 2)
·        Building of more public school in central Nyanza
13.   The founder of the Green Belt movement in Kenya
·        Prof. Wangari Maathai                                                                                      ( 1x 1 = 2)
14.   Main function of parliament in Kenya
·        To make laws (legislate)
15.   What is devolved government                                                                                ( 1x 1 = 1)
Developed governmentis the transfer of authority and power from central government to local government
                                                                                                                              (1x 1 = 2)
16.   What is capital expenditure?
Capital expenditureis the expenditure incurred on major development projects of roads
                                                                                                                                    (1x 1 = 1)
17.   Sources of government revenue in Kenya                                     
·        Indirect taxes e.g. custom duty
·        Direct tax e.g.income, tax
·        Grants
·        Domestic borrowing
·        Aids/donors

      Answer three questions from this section

18.   (a)Reasons which led to the migration of the  plain Nilotes in the pre- colonial period        
·        They were looking for fresh grazing land and water for their livestock
·        Outbreak of cattle and human diseases
·        To escape from drought and famine
·        Population pressure forced them to migrate
·        Internal and external attacks
·        To satisfy their spirit of adventure                                                                     ( 5x 1 = 5)
      (b)  Functions of the council of elders among the Somali during the pre-colonial period   
·        Maintenance of law and order
·        Settlement of disputes among different clans
·        Promoting and preserving Somali culture
·        Ensured effective use of grazing land and water points
·        Presided over religious ceremonies
·        They were the highest court of appeal                                                               ( 5x 2 = 10)
19. (a) Reasons why Portuguese were able to conquer the Kenyan coast during the sixteenth century
·        The Portuguese used superior weapons
·        Lack of unity among the coastal communities
·        The Portuguese launched a surprise attack on the coastal settlements
·        The Portuguese had well trained soldiers
·        The Portuguese knew the geography of East Africa coast very well after getting information from Vasco-Da-Gama visit of 1498
·        The Portuguese got reinforcement from their headquarters at Goa in India
·        The weakness of the Turkish and Persian navies                                                                        (5x 1 = 5)
(b) Five positive results of Portuguese rule along the East coast of Africa
·        Lead to introduction of new crops e.g. maize, cassava
·        Enhancement of the development of the Kiswahili language
·        They introduced new architecture to the East coast of Africa
·        Led to forging of good relations between East Africa coast and India
·        Led to introduction of farm yard manure
·        A few Africans were converted to Christianity
·        Led to opening of the East African coast to other European powers                                ( 5x 2 = 10)
20. (a) Five challenges faced by Daniel Arap Moi during his rule in Kenya
·        Attempted coup of 1982
·        High rate of inflation and decline in economic growth in 1990’s
·        Instigated land clashes
·        Grand corruption and mismanagement of govt. resources
·        Accused of human rights abuses
·        Lack of political democracy and political intolerance of KANU
·        Political assassinations e.g. Robert Ouko
·        Economic Sanctions from IMF and world back                                                              ( 5x 1 = 5)
(b) Contribution of Prof. Wangari  Maathai towards environmental conservation in Kenya         
·        In 1997 she founded then Green Belt Movement to fight environmental degradation
·        She made use of women to contribute to environment conservation through the planting of trees
·        Between 1989-1990 she was involved in a bitter campaign against the proposed construction of a six storey Kenyan time Trust Complex in Uhuru park Nairobi
·        She encouraged women to ensure good security by planting indigenous food crops or maintaining gardens
·        Through her efforts she provided information on family planning ,nutrition and leadership development
                                                                                                                                    (5x 2 = 5)
21. (a) Five common characteristics of political parties which were formed in Kenya after 1945
·        They had a national outlook as members were drawn from different ethnic groups
·        Their main objective was to fight for self rule /independence
·        They were led by the educated elite
·        They demanded for fair taxation for Africans
·        They demanded for improved conditions for African workers                                         ( 5x 1 = 5)
     (b)   Factors that promoted the rise of African nationalism in Kenya after 1945
·        Acquisition of western Education by many Africans enabled them to understand political development at internal level
·        The experiences of ex –soldiers in WW2 made them realize that Europeans were not superior hence demand for self- rule
·        Realization by Britain that colonies were expensive to, administer hence the need to grant self rule
·        The granting of Independence to former British colonies inspired Africa to demand for political independence
·        The support given by pan –African in demanding for political independence gave Africans confidence to press for political freedom
·        The decolonization policy by the UNO inspired African Nationalists                              ( 5x 2 = 10)
            Any Other

      Answer two questions from this section
22. (a)  Requirements that one must meet to be registered as a voter in Kenya
·        Be aKenyan Citizen of 18yrs and above
·        Be of sound mind
·        Not been convicted of an election offence
·        Have documentary evidence of registration   e.g. original national ID or passport ( 3x 1 = 3)
(b)  Roles of the National Assembly in Kenya                                      
·        Representing the people of the constituencies and special interest
·        Deliberating on end resolving issues that concern the people
·        Enacting national legislation
·        Approving nominees for various public offices
·        Determining allocation of national revenue between the levels of government
·        Approving government expenditure as well as then expenditure of other state organs
·        Overseeing national revenue and its expenditure
·        Reviewing the conduct of the president ,Deputy president and other state offices and initiating the process of removing them from office
·        Exercising oversight over state organs
·        Approving declarations of war and extensions of states of emergence                 (6x 2 = 12)

23. (a)  Five rights of a person with disability in Kenya                                              
·        To be treated with dignity and respect
·        To access education institutions and facilities for persons with disability
·        Reasonable access to all places public transport and information
·        To use sign languages Braille or appropriate means of communication
·        To access materials and devices to overcome constraints arising from the persons disability
·        At least five percent of members of the public in elective bodies should be persons with disabilities
                                                                                                                              (2x 5 = 10)
(b)Five conditions necessary for democracy to succeed in a country like Kenya
·        There must exist love for democratic institutions and the citizens must cherish ideas of liberty and participate in democratic process
·        Government to promote civic education
·        There must be national unity and cohesiveness
·        A responsible free and fearless press
·        Economic democracy /equal distribution of resources
·        Party system should be allowed to evolve
·        Good leadership based on political convictions
·        Regular free and fair elections
·        political freedom –freedom of associate
·        Equality before the law
·        Rule of law and natural justice
·        A Government  that is tolerant transparent and accountable                               (2x 5 = 10)
24. (a)  Principles of devolved government in Kenya                                       
·        Based on democratic principles and separation  of power
·        County Government shall have reliable sources of revenue so as to govern and deliver services effectively
·        No more than two thirds of the member of representative bodies in each county government shall be of the same gender
·        County executive committee will be in charge of executive duties in the county ( 3x 1 = 3)

(b)  Six challenges facing county governments in Kenya
·        Difficulty in distributing evenly the resources they have within the county
·        Some counties are not well endowed with resources
·        How to share resources such as rivers and forest that cut across different counties
·        Lack of familiarity with the new governance structures
·        Lack of full autonomy as their operation can be stopped by the national government
·        Overlap of function with the national government
·        The counties may not have enough money and other resources to establish themselves
·        Recruiting and training staff to carry out functions in the counties is a challenge
·        Tribal interests in making appointments                                                                        (6x 2 = 12)

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