Showing posts with label BOM Teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BOM Teachers. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Origin of man
1997 p2 qn 15 (a)  Describe two theories about the origin of human beings

i.        Evolution theory maintain that Human beings evolved from ape- like creatures and developed through adaptation over a long period of time.
ii.        The creation theory- according to many world religious e.g. Christianity Islam and Judaism the human race was created by God at a specific time in history to fulfil God’s purpose.
iii.       The Mythical (traditional) Theory. This is an attempt by individuals or communities of people to explain their origin. It is given through Oral Traditions, myths and legends. It mainly states that the first people were created by God.

2005 p2 qn 1. State one theory that explains the origin of people
i.        The evolution theory.
ii.        The creation theory.
iii.        Mythical or traditional theory/ oral traditions theory.                 
Oral traditions/ Mythical theory
ร˜ This is an attempt by individuals or communities of people to explain their origin. It is given through Oral Traditions, myths and legends. It mainly states that the first people were created by God.
Creation theory
2012 p2 qn2.   Name one source of information on the Creation Theory                 
i.        Bible
ii.        The Koran                                                                                     

Evolution theory
2010 p2 qn 1.  State the scientific theory that explains the origin of human beings.
     - The Evolution theory/Darwin   

2009 p2 qn 3 explain Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution
Simple life forms gradually develop into higher forms of life over millions of years                                                              
What is evolution?
ร˜ Evolution is a natural process of gradual and continuous change of living organisms from a lower (simpler) state to a better-adapted (complex) and superior one.
Identify four distinct stages in which evolution took place according to Charles Darwin.

ร˜ Mutation- is an abrupt change in the form of a living thing as dictated by the climatic or genetic components of the living thing involved.
ร˜  Natural selection- is an instinct by which the stronger species out-compete the weaker ones for resources.
ร˜  Isolation.
ร˜ Adaptation.

State the principles of Natural Selection.
ร˜ All organisms are uniquely different, based on hereditary factors each has from birth.
ร˜ Although many organisms are produced, few manage to develop to maturity.
ร˜ Only organisms that constantly adapt to the existing environment manage to grow to maturity and reproduce. For instance, the Amoeba, which may have survived only in water, changed by mutation and cast a protective shell (cyst) around its body, which enabled it to survive when the climate changed and became dry.
ร˜ Even after mutation, only the fittest organisms could survive as the weak became extinct due to limited resources. This theory came to be popularly known as Survival for the Fittest.
ร˜ As species emerging from mutation and natural selection increase in number, search for basic needs intensifies. Some few species take on a significantly different form through adaptation to the new environment as they get isolated from the rest.
ร˜ Darwin’s theory of evolution is supported by almost all scientists, particularly palaeontologists. It holds that human beings belong to the Animal Kingdom and that Man is a primate as are apes like gorillas, chimpanzees and monkeys, although apes belong to the family Pongidae while human beings are in the Hominidae  family.

Archaeological sites in East Africa

Name the archaeological sites in Kenya.
ร˜ Rusinga Island,
ร˜ Fort Ternan near Kericho,
ร˜ Kariandusi near Elmentaita,
ร˜ Gambles Cave,
ร˜ Olorgesailie,
ร˜ Koobi-Fora near Lake Turkana,
ร˜ Hyrax Hill,
ร˜ Kanjiri
ร˜ Njoro River Cave.

Name the archaeological sites in Tanzania.
ร˜ Garusi,
ร˜ Olduvai Gorge,
ร˜ Peninj,
ร˜ Apis Rock,
ร˜ Isimila
ร˜ Eyasi.

Name the archaeological sites in Uganda.
ร˜ Nsongezi,
ร˜ Nyero,
ร˜ Napaka,
ร˜ Magosi,
ร˜ Paraa,
ร˜ Ishango,
ร˜ Mweya,
ร˜ Nyabusora.

Identify/name archaeological sites outside East Africa.  
ร˜ Fayum depression in Egypt.
ร˜ Taung in Botswana.
ร˜ Omo River valley in Ethiopia.
ร˜ The Afar depression in Ethiopia.
ร˜ Hadar in Ethiopia.
ร˜ Tenerife in Algeria.
ร˜ Bodo in Ethiopia.
ร˜ Matupi cave in Shaba province of Congo DRC.
ร˜ Kalambo falls in Zambia.
ร˜ Orangia in southern Africa.
ร˜ Dar Es Sultan cave in southern Africa.
ร˜ Apollo II caves in Orange state in South Africa.

2005 p1 qn 1Name two pre- historic sites in Kenya. 
i.     Olorgesaille
ii.     Kariandusi
iii.     Fort Ternan
iv.     Koobi Fora/Turkana
v.     Hyrax Hill.
vi.     Rusinga Island
vii.     Gambles  Cave (Njoro)   Any 2x1 = (2marks)

2008 p1 qn 1 Identify two ways through which archaeologists obtain information on the history of Kenya.  
i.     Excavating the sites
ii.     Dating the fossils
iii.     Recording the findings
iv.     Locating pre-sites


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