Showing posts with label world war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world war. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2020



 The following are the most important years in history of the world:
1.     1750 
This year marked the beginning of Agrarian revolution. 
Agrarian revolution refers to rapid changes and improvements in the field of agriculture.
Between 1750 and 1850 European countries underwent changes in agriculture.
The changes were marked by:
       i.          A new system of land ownership
     ii.          Use of machines and new farming methods.
The revolution took place first in Britain.
2.     1750-1850
This period marked the Industrial Revolution.
This was a period from 1750 to 1850 where changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology greatly affected the social, economic and cultural conditions of the times.
It began in the United Kingdom, and then subsequently spread throughout Western Europe, Northern America, Japan, and eventually the rest of the world.
In Kenya, it is hoped to be done by 2030.

Characteristics of industrial revolution in Europe

i.          Use of machines to replace human labour.
ii.          The use of steam power to replace water, wind and animal power.
iii.          Increased exploitation and use of coal, iron and steel.
iv.          Rise of the factory system in towns instead of the cottage industries in homes.
v.          Better forms of transport e.g. railways, roads and water.
vi.          Improved living standards and an increase in the human population who required more manufactured goods.
vii.          The production of goods on large scale.
viii.          The development of science and the application of scientific knowledge in production.
ix.          There was development of trade as manufactured goods were sold locally and abroad.
x.          The rise of modern capitalism that provided enough wealth which was then invested back into industry.

3.     1870-1871
This period marked the Franco-Prussian war.
The war was between France and Germany which upset the balance of power in Europe.
 It later led to the outbreak of First World War.

4.     1884-1885

Friday, May 8, 2020



1.     When did the First World War (WWI) begin?
ü  From 1914 to 1918

2.     When did the Second World War (WWII) begin?
ü  From 1939 to 1945

3.      State the immediate cause of the WWI
ü  Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by a Bosnian revolutionary Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914

4.     State the immediate cause of WWII.
German invasion of neutral Poland in 1939

5.     Describe the system of alliances in the WWI
Ø  The Triple Alliance (Central Powers) - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy NB: Italy later left the Triple Alliance, weakening the alliance.
Ø  The Triple Entente (Allied Powers)-Britain, France and Russia, Montenegro, Serbia.

6.     Name the winner of the WWI
Ø  The Allied Powers

7.     Describe the system of alliances during the WWII
ü  The Axis powers/Central Powers- Germany, Japan, Italy
ü  The Allied Powers-Britain, USSR, USA, France, Belgium

8.     Name the winner of the WWII.
The Allied Powers

9.     Give the main reason why USA joined the WWI.
ü  German attack of American ship (Lusitania) which was carrying food to Great Britain, killing some Americans/ declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare leading to the sinking of neutral USA ships in March 1917

10.  Give the main reason why USA joined the WWII.
Ø  Japanese attack on the American Naval base at Pearl Harbor on the Hawaiian island.

11.  Name the side that USA joined during the WWI and WWII.
Ø  The Allies

12.  Give reasons why USA remained neutral up to 1917.
ü  She did not want to involve herself in the European affair (Monroe Doctrine of 1823)
ü  She had trade relations with both parties.
ü  The war had not interfered with her interests before 1917.
ü  She never wanted the war to be fought on her soil.
ü  There were people of German descent in USA and therefore feared a revolution.

13.  Highlight the events that led to the end of WWI
ü  Russia withdrawal from the war after the Great Russian revolution.
ü  USA declaration of war against the Central Powers.

14.  Give reasons why Germany attacked France through the neutral Belgium despite sharing a border with France.
ü  They wanted to minimize causalities on the German side.
ü  They wanted to take advantage of surprise attack in France.

15.  Give the main reason why the League of Nations was formed in 1919 at the Treaty of Versailles.
Ø  To prevent the outbreak of another world war/ to maintain world peace.

16.  Name the mandated/trust territories that were administered by the League of Nations.
ü  Togo
ü  Tanganyika
ü  Rwanda
ü  Burundi
ü  Cameroon (NB: These were German territories that were taken from her after the WWI)
ü  Iraq
ü  Palestine (both acquired from Turkey)

17.  What was the Von Schlieffen Plan
It was a plan masterminded by Count Alfred von Schlieffen, which entailed German attack on France followed by an attack on Russia. The plan meant that Germany could place the bulk of her military might on one frontier and then move it to another.

18.  State the weaknesses/ failures of the Von Schlieffen Plan.
ü  it assumed that Russia would need six weeks to mobilize but she mobilized faster than
ü  It assumed that Germany would defeat France in less than 6 weeks.
ü  German invasion of Belgium was not as fast as anticipated.
ü  Both sides were more evenly matched than the Germans had thought.

19.  Name the continents where the WWI was fought.

i.          Europe-
  ii.          Africa
 iii.          Asia
Ø  NB: In Europe, it was fought in two fronts i.e the Western front and Eastern Front.
Ø  The Western Front entailed Germany fighting against British and French forces and
later American forces.
Ø  The eastern front entailed Germany and Austria Hungary fighting Russian forces.
Ø  In Africa, the war was fought in regions where Germany had colonies neighboring
those of Allied powers eg. Cameroon, Namibia, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania.

20.  State the event that made Japan to surrender unconditionally leading to the end of the WWII.
USA dropping atomic bombs on Japan cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945



Wednesday, April 29, 2020



Initially Germany was divided into two, that is, the German Confederation (an association of 39 German speaking states) and the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

From 19th July 1870-28th January 1871, there was Franco-Prussian war. The war was between France and Germany. Specifically, it involved the Second French Empire which was later referred to as the Third French Republic and the German states of the North German Confederation, led/dominated by the Kingdom of Prussia.

Prussia was the leading state in the German Empire until its dissolution in 1918. It was the force behind the unification of Germany.

This is why it is referred to as the Franco-Prussian war.

During this time, the chancellor of Prussia was Otto von Bismarck. He is the one who masterminded the unification of Germany in 1871 and the first Chancellor of the German empire.
The conflict was caused by the ambitions of Prussia to expand the German territory. France feared that the European balance of power would shift if Prussia won.
Both sides mobilized their armies on 15th July 1870. This was begun by France the followed by Germany.
The French parliament voted to declare war on Prussia on 16th July 1870 but Prussia was informed about the declaration three days later.
French army invaded German territory on 2nd august. The German coalition (the German Confederation and the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation #SEE THE UNIFICATION!#), mobilized their troops more effectively than the French and invaded northeastern France on 4th august.

Because of the coalition, the German army became superior in number. They were better trained and had good leadership. Also, they were well equipped and were advantaged by their use of modern technology especially railway.

Germany and Prussia realized victories in eastern France as they blockaded Metz and captured the French Emperor Napoleon III. The army of the second empire was completely defeated.
After the war, German states proclaimed their union as the German empire under the Prussian King Wilhelm I, finally uniting most of Germany as a nation-state (excluding Austria)

Germany got regions of Alsace and Lorraine from France after the Treaty of Frankfurt  of 10th May 1871.

The German conquest of French regions of Alsace and Lorraine and the unification of Germany upset the European balance of power that existed since the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
European balance of power here referred to international relations between European countries during the First World War, which evolved into the present states of Europe.
It is important to note that the determination of France to regain Alsace and Lorrain and fear of another Franco-German war along with the apprehension about the balance of power became factors in the causes of World War one.




Thursday, April 16, 2020



1.         Identify two advantages of using linguistic as a source of historical information.             
                         (i)          Linguistics give information about the movement of people and their relationships.
                       (ii)          It helps people to understand communities better since those  with a related language may had a common origin.
                     (iii)          Language helps those using oral tradition to gather information from various sources as it is a medium of communication.
                      (iv)          Language has enabled historical linguistics to discover links between different people.
                        (v)          It is useful in dating of migration of people.                        2× 1 = 2 mks
2.         State the most outstanding feature of the middle stone age period.
                        -Discovery of fire.      1×1 = 1 mk
3.         Identify the name used to describe the land between rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
                        -Mesopotamia/ The Fertile Crescent.                        1×1 = 1 mk
4.         Give the main reason why early agriculture developed in Egypt.
                        -Existence of River Nile which provided water for irrigation.
5.         State two disadvantages of using a messenger to pass on information.
                        (i)          It is slow/delays the information.
                      (ii)          The information may be distorted/misinterpreted.
                    (iii)          Information may be lost/destroyed/forgotten.                                   2×1 = 2 mks
6.         Give two means of water  transport used during the ancient time.
                        (i)          Sailing/boats/ Oar driven boats.
                      (ii)          Rafts/logs.
                    (iii)          Canoes.
                    (iv)          Sailing ships/dhows.              2×1 = 2mks
7.         Identify two reasons that led to the decline of Meroe as an early urban center.
                        (i)          The collapse of agricultural activities.
                      (ii)          Reduced trading activities.
                    (iii)          External attacks from the Kingdom of Axum/the rise of Axum Kingdom.
                    (iv)          Depletion of iron minerals.
                      (v)          Effects of drought/desertification.                 2×1 = 2 mks
8.         Mention the clan from where the Shona priests came from.
            -Rozwi clan.
9.         State one advantage of an unwritten constitution.
                        (i)          Simple to amend as they are altered like ordinary laws.
                      (ii)          More acceptable by people/home grown.
                    (iii)          Adaptable to new situations/flexible.                        1× 1 = 1 mk

10.       What is the difference between the scramble and partition of Africa in the 19th century.
            -The scramble was the struggle/competition/rush by Europeans for colonies in Africa whereas           partition was sharing/dividing up of Africa into European spheres of influence.        2× 1 = 2 mks
11.       Give one economic reason which made European countries to scramble for colonies in Africa.
                        (i)          To obtain raw materials for their industries.
                      (ii)          To acquire areas to invest their surplus  capital.
                    (iii)          To search for markets for their manufactured goods.                       1×1 = 1 mk
12.       State one reason why Africans in Tanganyika were against the use of Akidas by the German           colonial administrators.
                        (i)          Akidas were foreigners/Arabs.
                      (ii)          Akidas took Africans chance in administering their country.
                    (iii)          Akidas were brutal/harsh to the Africans/flogging/whipping Africans.       1× 1 = 1 mk
13.       Give the main reason for the failure of the league of Nations.
            -The rearmament of Germany.                      1× 1 = 1 mk
14.       Name the organ of the united nations organization that promotes justice in the world.
                        -The international court of Justice.                1×1 = 1 mk
15.       Name two English speaking members of the Economic community of west African States.             (ECOWAS)
                        (i)          The Gambia.
                      (ii)          Liberia.
                    (iii)          Ghana.
                    (iv)          Niger.
                      (v)          Sierra Leona.              2* 1 = 2 mks
16.       Identify two personalities who founded the Non-Aligned movement.
                        (i)          Marshal Tito president of Yugoslavia.
                      (ii)          Chou En Lai prime minister of China.
                    (iii)          Abdel Nassar president of Egypt.
                    (iv)          Jawaharlal Nehru prime minister of India.
                      (v)          Surkano president of Indonesia.                     2× 1 = 2 mks
17.       Apart from political instability in Uganda during the reign of Iddi Amin state two other reasons that led to the collapse of East African Community in 1977.
                        (i)          Ideological differences among the three member states
                      (ii)          Personality differences between president Idd Amin of Uganda and Julius Nyerere of Tanzania.
                    (iii)          The perception of Uganda and Tanzania that Kenya benefited more.
                    (iv)          National pride/Interest of member states.
                      (v)          Failure to remit funds to the community by member states/insufficient funds.
                    (vi)          The closure of boundaries by member states.

18.       (a)       State five modern farming practices which led to Agrarian revolution in The united States.
                                            (i)          Use of pesticides to control crop and animals diseases.
                                          (ii)          Use of fertilizers.
                                        (iii)          Application of agricultural economics and extension education.
                                        (iv)          Use of farm machinery e.g. steel plough.
                                          (v)          Use iof hybrid seeds/ animal cross breeds.
                                        (vi)          Crop zoning as different regions had different suitable soils for different crops.
                                      (vii)          Practice of plantation/large scale farming (estates).             5× 1 = 5mks
            (b)       Explain five effects of Agrarian Revolution on the European society.
                                            (i)          Improved farming methods led to increase in food production.
                                          (ii)          Population increased due to abundant and adequate food.
                                        (iii)          A large variety of crops were produced e.g Maize beans and potatoes.
                                        (iv)          New animal breeds were reared fresian cattle Leicester, suffork sheep.
                                          (v)          The farmers abandoned subsistence farming and started large-scale farming.
                                        (vi)          Mechanization of farming was done to cultivate the large scale farms.
                                      (vii)          The enclosure system made the rich farmers to buy land from peasants leading to rural-urban migration.
                                    (viii)          The Agrarian Revolution contributed to industrial Revolution by providing raw materials required in agro-based industries.
                                        (ix)          The Agrarian Revolution led to expansion of both local and international trade.
                                          (x)          The development of agriculture stimulated the expansion of transport network.
                                        (xi)          The Agrarian revolution encouraged research and scientific innovations.
                                      (xii)          Some of the landless people migrated to the USA, Canada, Australia , New Zealand and South Africa.                                 5× 2 = 10 mks
19.       (a)       State five challenges facing industrialization in India.
                                            (i)          Competition for market from industrialized countries.
                                          (ii)          High poverty level hence low purchasing power.
                                        (iii)          Poor transport and communication systems.
                                        (iv)          political instability due constant conflicts with her neighbours like Pakistan.
                                          (v)          Frequent natural calamities e.g. drought,floods.
                                        (vi)          Huge foreign debt.
                                      (vii)          Under exploitation of resources due to lack of technical know-how.
                                    (viii)          Very high population which forces the government to incur a lot in the provision of social services.                    5× 1 = 5 mks
            (b)       Describe Five factors that led to the emergence of Germany as an industrial power.
                                            (i)          Establishment of the Zollverein/custom union removed trade barriers leading to free trade and economic growth.
                                          (ii)          Availability of coal as source of industrial energy as well as hydro-electric power.
                                        (iii)          Availability of iron ore as a source of raw materials for industries.
                                        (iv)          Political unity of German states under the leadership of Bismarck.
                                          (v)          Acquisition of Alsace-Lorraine in 1871 which boosted Germany`s mineral resources.
                                        (vi)          Existence of a large population providing both skilled and unskilled labour.
                                      (vii)          Availability of local market from large population.
                                    (viii)          Development of good transport and communication network.
                                        (ix)          The government supported industry and encouraged German entrepreneurs.
                                          (x)          Hardworking nature of Germans.
                                        (xi)          Availability of water for domestic and industrial use.
                                      (xii)          Availability of capital.
                                    (xiii)          Availability of external market due to high quality goods.
                                     (xiv)          Growth of Banking industries.           5× 2 = 10 mks.
20.       (a)       Give FIVE grievances by Africans against apartheid in South Africa.
                                            (i)          Africans were not allowed to vote for the black representatives in government.
                                          (ii)          They were prohibited from living in urban areas/sharing facilities with whites.
                                        (iii)          The pass laws restricted African movement.
                                        (iv)          They were confined into Bantustans/reserves.
                                          (v)          The labour laws denied them equal employment opportunities.
                                        (vi)          Low quality of education prepared them for only low cadre jobs.
                                      (vii)          The land acts gave whites exclusive rights over land.          5× 1 = 5 mks
            (b)       Explain five effects of the use of indirect rule by the British in Northern Nigeria.
                                            (i)          Traditional rulers became unpopular among their people due to the roles of collecting taxes, forceful recruitment of Africans as laboures etc.
                                          (ii)          The African chiefs became wealthier than the rest of the people because they were paid for their services.
                                        (iii)          It helped to preserve African cultures in Northern Nigeria because the British did not want to interfere with the African way of life.
                                        (iv)          It led to the abolition of Slavery and slave trade in Northern Nigeria.
                                          (v)          The British abolished the Fulani systems of taxation and replaced them with a single tax levied on each village.
                                        (vi)          Retention of Muslim law/Sharia in the North Mande the area lag behind.
                                      (vii)          The British modified the previous system of administration thus making the traditional African rulers lose their independence.                    5× 2 = 10 mks
21.       (a)       Why did Lewanika of Lozi collaborated with the British.
                                            (i)          He wanted British support to secure his position as the King of Lozi.
                                          (ii)          To protect the Lozi from the Ndebele attacks.
                                        (iii)          He was influenced by King Khama of Ngwato of Bechunaland who had collaborated with the British.
                                        (iv)          To protect his Kingdom against threats by Portuguese, Germans and Boers.
                                          (v)          To obtain western education and helath facilities.
                                        (vi)          To promote trade between the Lozi and British/Acquire British manufactured goods e.g. guns.
                                      (vii)          He was influenced by missionaries such as Francois Coillard.
                                    (viii)          He feared the superior military power of the British/He saw the futility of resisting.
                                        (ix)          To protect the independence of the Lozi people.      5× 1 = 5 mks
            (b)       Write down Five reasons why the shona joined the Ndebele in the chimurenga war.                                 (1896-1897)
                                            (i)          The British south Africa company was harsh and cruel to the Shona.
                                          (ii)          The shona cattle had been confiscated by the company.
                                        (iii)          The company had alienated shona land.
                                        (iv)          The shona were forced to provide labour to Europeans farmers.
                                          (v)          The company officials interfered with the shona – Portuguese trade in gold,ivory and gun powder.
                                        (vi)          Shona chiefs lost their traditional positions and power to company officials.
                                      (vii)          The company levied heavy taxes on the shona.
                                    (viii)          The Europeans missionaries abused and disregarded Shona mwari/Mlimo cult and medium spirit leaders                       5× 2 = 10 mks

22.       (a)       State five reasons why the Allied forces defeated the Axis power during World War II.
                                            (i)          They had large army and many supporters than the axis power.
                                          (ii)          Germany failed to effectively control her expansive conquered territories which turned and fought against her.
                                        (iii)          USSR recovered from her losses, rearmed and attacked Germany.
                                        (iv)          USA joined the Allies.
                                          (v)          Axis powers made serious tactical mistakes/allied states were better trained.
                                        (vi)          Allied forces possessed superior weapons such as the atomic bomb..
                                      (vii)          Allied states possessed more resources which stretched the axis power.                                                                                                             5× 1 = 5mks
            (b)       Explain five effects of the cold war by 1991.
                                            (i)          Led to space race/developments in science and technology.
                                          (ii)          Caused insecurity as superpowers competed for ideology.
                                        (iii)          Splitting up of some territories due to conflict between supporters of the superpowers e.g. Korea, Vietnam.
                                        (iv)          Real war/hot war eg. Vietnam.
                                          (v)          Lead to various crises in Europe and Asia in the 1950s and 1960s.
                                        (vi)          Led to division of Europe into two blocs/division of Germany into East and West /iron curtain.
                                      (vii)          Led to arms race between the superpowers which disrupted international peace.
                                    (viii)          Spread of capitalism and communist ideologies.
                                        (ix)          Led to formation of the Non-aligned movement by countries in Asia and Africa to avoid cold war conflicts.
                                          (x)          Led to rise of dictators in Arica/Coups/counter coups e.g. Mobutu seseko inD.R.C.
                                                            5× 2 = 10 mks
23.       (a)       Give Three political changes introduced by Mobutu Sese Seko hich led to dictatorship in                                    the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
                                            (i)          He banned all the political parties except the peoples Revolutionary movement which he led.
                                          (ii)          He amended the constitution stripping parliament of its powers.
                                        (iii)          He abolished the federal system/centralized power around himself.
                                        (iv)          Civil servants were appointed by the central government.
                                          (v)          He declared himself life president.                3× 1 = 3 mks
            (b)       Describe six economic challenges Tanzania has experienced since independence.
                                            (i)          High poverty levels
                                          (ii)          Price fluctuations of agricultural commodities such as tea, coffee, sisal .
                                        (iii)          High inflation due to devaluation of currency.
                                        (iv)          Poor transport and communication network affects development.
                                          (v)          Ujamaa policy discouraged hardwork and scared foreign investors.
                                        (vi)          Drought and natural calamities affects agricultural productions.
                                      (vii)          High corruption levels especially when Hassan Mwinyi introduced liberal economic policies to jump start the economy.
                                    (viii)          Mineral resources are not fully exploited due to poverty, lack of technical expertise and poor transport system.
                                        (ix)          Collapse of the East Africa Community in 1977 denied Tanzania a large market of her goods.
                                          (x)          Lack of donor aid affected development.
                                        (xi)          Huge foreign debt to service.
                                      (xii)          High cost of war against Uganda (1978-1979) lowered the economy.                                                                                                             6× 2 = 12 mks
24.       (a)       Give THREE requirements for one to be allowed to contest as presidential candindate in                          the united states of America.
                                            (i)          One must be a citizen of America by birth.
                                          (ii)          One must be a resident of the united states of America for atleast 14 years.
                                        (iii)          Should not have been president for the two four-year terms.
                                        (iv)          Unless one is an independent candidate he/she must be nominated by a political party.
                                          (v)          Must be atleast 35 years of age.
                                        (vi)          Must be morally upright.                   3× 1 = 3 mks
            (b)       Write down six functions of the Monarch in Britain.
                                            (i)          The monarch approves/assents bills before they became law.
                                          (ii)          The monarch approves all appointments to important state offices.
                                        (iii)          The monarch is involved in enacting treaties between the state and other countries in relation to foreign policy.
                                        (iv)          The Monarch summons/prorogues/dissolves parliament in consultation with the prime minister.
                                          (v)          The Monarch gives consent to all cabinet appointments.
                                        (vi)          The monarch has powers to pardon people who have been accused of committing various offences.
                                      (vii)          The Monarch appoints bishops/archbishops of the church of England.
                                    (viii)          The Monarch advises/counsels the head of government.
                                        (ix)          The monarch nominates members to the house of Lords/confers honors to persons who have rendered outstanding services to the state.
The monarch is the commander in chief of the armed forces.          6× 2 = 12mks


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