Friday, May 8, 2020



1.     When did the First World War (WWI) begin?
ü  From 1914 to 1918

2.     When did the Second World War (WWII) begin?
ü  From 1939 to 1945

3.      State the immediate cause of the WWI
ü  Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by a Bosnian revolutionary Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914

4.     State the immediate cause of WWII.
German invasion of neutral Poland in 1939

5.     Describe the system of alliances in the WWI
Ø  The Triple Alliance (Central Powers) - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy NB: Italy later left the Triple Alliance, weakening the alliance.
Ø  The Triple Entente (Allied Powers)-Britain, France and Russia, Montenegro, Serbia.

6.     Name the winner of the WWI
Ø  The Allied Powers

7.     Describe the system of alliances during the WWII
ü  The Axis powers/Central Powers- Germany, Japan, Italy
ü  The Allied Powers-Britain, USSR, USA, France, Belgium

8.     Name the winner of the WWII.
The Allied Powers

9.     Give the main reason why USA joined the WWI.
ü  German attack of American ship (Lusitania) which was carrying food to Great Britain, killing some Americans/ declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare leading to the sinking of neutral USA ships in March 1917

10.  Give the main reason why USA joined the WWII.
Ø  Japanese attack on the American Naval base at Pearl Harbor on the Hawaiian island.

11.  Name the side that USA joined during the WWI and WWII.
Ø  The Allies

12.  Give reasons why USA remained neutral up to 1917.
ü  She did not want to involve herself in the European affair (Monroe Doctrine of 1823)
ü  She had trade relations with both parties.
ü  The war had not interfered with her interests before 1917.
ü  She never wanted the war to be fought on her soil.
ü  There were people of German descent in USA and therefore feared a revolution.

13.  Highlight the events that led to the end of WWI
ü  Russia withdrawal from the war after the Great Russian revolution.
ü  USA declaration of war against the Central Powers.

14.  Give reasons why Germany attacked France through the neutral Belgium despite sharing a border with France.
ü  They wanted to minimize causalities on the German side.
ü  They wanted to take advantage of surprise attack in France.

15.  Give the main reason why the League of Nations was formed in 1919 at the Treaty of Versailles.
Ø  To prevent the outbreak of another world war/ to maintain world peace.

16.  Name the mandated/trust territories that were administered by the League of Nations.
ü  Togo
ü  Tanganyika
ü  Rwanda
ü  Burundi
ü  Cameroon (NB: These were German territories that were taken from her after the WWI)
ü  Iraq
ü  Palestine (both acquired from Turkey)

17.  What was the Von Schlieffen Plan
It was a plan masterminded by Count Alfred von Schlieffen, which entailed German attack on France followed by an attack on Russia. The plan meant that Germany could place the bulk of her military might on one frontier and then move it to another.

18.  State the weaknesses/ failures of the Von Schlieffen Plan.
ü  it assumed that Russia would need six weeks to mobilize but she mobilized faster than
ü  It assumed that Germany would defeat France in less than 6 weeks.
ü  German invasion of Belgium was not as fast as anticipated.
ü  Both sides were more evenly matched than the Germans had thought.

19.  Name the continents where the WWI was fought.

i.          Europe-
  ii.          Africa
 iii.          Asia
Ø  NB: In Europe, it was fought in two fronts i.e the Western front and Eastern Front.
Ø  The Western Front entailed Germany fighting against British and French forces and
later American forces.
Ø  The eastern front entailed Germany and Austria Hungary fighting Russian forces.
Ø  In Africa, the war was fought in regions where Germany had colonies neighboring
those of Allied powers eg. Cameroon, Namibia, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania.

20.  State the event that made Japan to surrender unconditionally leading to the end of the WWII.
USA dropping atomic bombs on Japan cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945



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