Thursday, April 16, 2020


1.      One economic reason for studying History and Government.
-       Career subject / Employment.                                                                                        (1 x 1 = 1mk)

2.      Apart from the Maasai, name two other plain Nilotes found in Kenya.
-       Samburu
-       Turkana
-       Iteso
-       Njemps                                                                                                                       (2 x1 = 2mks)

3.      Two functions of the Kambi among the Mijikenda.
-        Settled disputes / final courts of appeal.
-        Presided over religious matters.
-        Declared war.                                                                                                                            (2 x 1 = 2mks)

4.      Two early visitors to East African Coast from Europe.
-        Greeks
-        Romans                                                                                                                                    (2 x 1 = 2mks)

5.      Define the term citizenship
-        Legal right to belong to a country.                                                                                            (1 x 1 = 1mk)

6.      One national holiday celebrated in Kenya.
-        Madaraka
-        Mashujaa
-        Jamhuri                                                                                                                                    (2x1 = 2mks)

7.      Two functions of the Kenya Constitution.
-        Spells out the power of government and its relationship with citizens.
-        Spells out the rights and duties of citizens.
-        Provides legal grounds from which laws are made.                                                                     (2 x 1 = 2mks)

8.      Two rights enjoyed by older members of the society in Kenya.
-        Fully participate in affairs of society.
-        Pursue personal development.
-        Live in dignity and respect.
-        Care / assistance from immediate family members.                                                                    (2x1 = 2mks)

9.      The island given by the British in exchange of Uganda.
-        Heligoland.                                                                                                                               (1x1 = 1mk)

10.   African leader who was detained in 1952 at the declaration of the State of Emergency.
-        Jomo Kenyatta
-        Kungu Karuba
-        Paul Ngei
-        Achieng Oneko
-        Fred Kubai
-        Bildad Kagia                                                                                                                             (1x1 = 1mk)

11.   Two recommendations of the Phelp Stokes Education Commission.
-       Uniform education system in all government and missionary schools.
-       Sufficient training for teachers.
-       Schools to be built in rural areas.                                                                                    (2x1 = 2mks)

12.   Two reasons why Taita Hills Association was formed.
-        To protest against destocking policy.
-        To protest against taxation.
-        To protest against Kipande system.
-        To protest against forced labour.
-        To fight for alienated land.                                                                                                        (2 x 1 = 2mks)

13.   First African Minister to be appointed Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs.
-  Tom Mboya.                                                                                                                          (1 x 1 = 1mk)

14.   The body in-charge of Elections in Kenya.
-        Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).                                           (1x1 = 1mk)

15.   The House of Parliament that represents the interest of Counties.
-          Senate.                                                                                                                                   (1 x 1 = 1mk)

16.   The Head of the National Police Service in Kenya.
-        Inspector General.                                                                                                                     (1x1 = 1mk)

17.   Two units of the Kenya Defence Forces.
-          Kenya Army
-          Kenya Navy
-          Kenya Air Force                                                                                                                      (2 x 1 = 2mks)

18.   (a)  Evidence that shows early visitors reached the Kenyan Coast.
-        The Greeks and Chinese coins were found at the Kenyan Coast.
-        There are fragments of Chinese pottery which have been preserved.
-        Documents that mentions the presence of early visitors to the Kenyan Coast have been preserved.
-        Presence of monuments constructed by the early visitors.                            (any 3x1 = 3mks)

(b)  Results of the interaction between the people of Kenya Coast and the Arabs.
-        Some African people living along the Coast were converted to Islam.
-        The volume of trade increased between the interior and the coastal towns.
-        The Arabs introduced Islamic culture.
-        The Arabs introduced new crops which were later adopted by the Coastal people.
-        Development of Kiswahili language.
-        Intermarriages between Africans and Arabs led to emergence of Waswahili people.
-        The Islamic law and system of administration was introduced by Arabs at the Coast.
-        Led to the growth of city states/towns at the Coast.
-        Demand for imported goods led to the decline of traditional industries.              (any 6x2 = 12mks)

19.   (a)  Activities of the IBEACO between 1885 and 1895
-        It traded with local communities / promoted legitimate trade.
-        Maintained law and order.
-        It discouraged slave trading.
-        It provided information about the interior of East Africa.
-        It built the Uganda Railway.
-        Promoted the spread of Western civilization.
-        It suppressed African resistance against the British.
-        It pioneered the Construction of Roads.                                                             (any 5 x 1 = 5mks)

(b)  Why did the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEACO rule came to an end) in 1895
-        The company lacked qualified administrators.
-        There was mismanagement of funds by the company officials / corruption.
-        The area was too vast for the new officials to manage.
-        Some African communities resisted against the company rule.
-        The company lacked adequate funds.
-        There was poor communication between the company officials and the colonial office in Britain.
-        Company officials were affected by unfavourable climatic conditions.                (any 5x2 = 10mks)

20.   (a)  Grievances of Africans in the Devonshire White Paper of 1923
-        Settlers occupation of African land.
-        Harsh and forced labour conditions.
-        Heavy taxation which forced Africans to seek employment.
-        The Kipande system.
-        Low wages.
-        Lack of representation in the Legco.                                                                  (any 5x1 = 5mks)

(b)   Effects of Missionary activities in Kenya.
-        Converted Africans to Christianity.
-        Built schools where Africans were taught.
-        Introduced new crops and farming methods.
-        Built hospitals which helped improve health.
-        Translated the bible into local languages.
-        Drew a map of the interior of the great lakes region which inspired many explorers to
come to Africa.
-        They influenced their home government to colonize Kenya.
-        Introduced western culture.
-        Established centres for freed slaves.
-        Introduced new vocational skills e.g. masonry.
-        Some represented Africans in Legco e.g. Dr. Arthur.                                          (any 5x2 = 10mks)

21.   (a)  Problems that independent schools and churches faced in  colonial Kenya.
-        Harassment by the colonial government.
-        Lacked trained teachers.
-        Inadequate funds.
-        Inadequate teaching-learning facilities.
-        Leadership wrangles.
-        Competition from government and mission schools.                                                ( any 5x1 = 5mks)

(b)  Roles of women in the struggle for independence.
-        Acted as soldiers under Mau Mau e.g. Marshall Muthoni.
-        Organized and coordinated the rural network through which supplies were acquired.
-        Supplied fighters with food, medicine, guns, clothing and ammunition.
-        Composed songs and hymes that motivated fighters and ridiculed home guards
and colonial agents.
-        Acted as spies on behalf of the Mau Mau fighters by befriending the colonial officers.
-        Women mobilized men to join the movement.
-        Women participated in oath taking ceremonies.
-        Kept homes intact as men continued with the struggle.
-        Raised funds for supporting political activities.
-        Provided moral support.
-        Demanded for release of arrested fighters.                                                    (any 5x2 = 10mks)


22.   (a)  Principles of Devolved Government.
-        Reliable sources of revenue for effective delivery of service.
-        Gender balance in membership and representative bodies.
-        Separation of powers.                                                                                        (any 3x1 = 3mks)

(b)  Functions of County Government in Kenya.
-        Regulation of county Planning and Development.
-        Regulate education at pre-primary, polytechnic, craft and child care levels.
-        Promotion of Agriculture.
-        Conservation of environment and pollution.
-        Provision of recreational facilities
-        Ensuring participation of communities in government at local levels.
-        Control of public works and services.
-        Provide county transport and communication.
-        Control drug and alcohol abuse.
-        Promote trade by issuing licenses.
-        Ensuring animal control and welfare.
-        Provide fire fighting services.
-        Provision and supervision of county health services.                                                (6 x 2 = 12mks)

23.    (a)  Special of courts in Kenya.
-        Kadhi courts.
-        Court martial.
-        Industrial courts.
-        Tribunal.                                                                                                          (any 5x1 = 5mks)

(b)  Functions of the High Court in Kenya.
-        It has unlimited original jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters.
-        Supervise criminal and civil proceedings before a subordinate court.
-        Deals with cases concerning violation of rights and freedoms.
-        Hears cases concerning interpretation of the constitution.
-        Has authority to hear appeal from  a decision of a tribunal to consider removal of a person from office.
-        Has supervisory jurisdiction over the subordinate courts and any other person or body exercising judicial functions in subordinate courts.
-        Has authority to call for the records of any proceedings before any subordinate courts.                                                                                                                                                (any 6x2 = 12mks)

24.   (a)  Symbols of National Unity.
-        The National Flag.
-        Public Seals.
-        Coat of Arms.
-        National Anthem.              
-        Constitution.
-        Presidency.
-        Loyalty pledge.
-        National awards.                                                                                               (any 3x1 = 3mks)

(b)  Factors that undermine National Unity in Kenya.
-        Unequal distribution of National Resources.
-        Different religious beliefs and practices.
-        Tribalism leads to favouring of people’s tribe.
-        Nepotism leads to favouring ones relatives.
-        Asking and offering bribes to obtain and give services/corruption.
-        Racism leads to discrimination on basis of colour.
-        Discrimination on basis of Gender denies people the right to participate equally in national development.                                                                                                  
-        Ignorance.
-        Greed.                                                                                                                    (5 x 2 = 10mks)

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