Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Background to the people of Kenya
The earliest inhabitants of Kenya are believed to be the Khoisan i.e. the San and Khoikho (Bushmen) of southern African. 

The remnants of these groups are the: /Earliest inhabitants of Kenya Included:

  •  Nguye, Okuro of western Kenya, 
  • Dorobo/Athi/Ogiek of Kenya
  • Hadza and Sandawe of Tanzania.
Evidences that proved to have been inhabited by humankind as far back as two million years ago or earlier
§  Tools attributed to Homo habilis were found in Koobi Fora near Lake Turkana.
§  Hand axes, cleavers and other tools attributed to Homoerectus have been found at Olorgesailie near Lake Magadi, Mtongwe near Mombasa, around lakes Victoria and Turkana and at Kariandusi.
§  Tools associated with the late Stone age such as the Crescent, arrowheads, pottery, bone harpoons and ornamental egg shells have been found near lake Naivasha, lake Nakuru, Lukenya hills and Athi river.
§  Microlith tools, axe heads, polished stones, stone bowels, platters and grinding stones have been discovered all over Kenya.
§  Iron was used as far back as 270AD. Evidence of iron use have been found at Urewe near Ng’iya in Siaya and in Kwale at the coast.
§  Animals such as cattle, sheep and goats were domesticated in Kenya during the late stone age.

Lifestyle of the earliest inhabitants of Kenya
§  Their language resembled that of the Khoisan.
§  They originally were nomadic peoples.
§  They gathered fruits and dug up tubers and roots to supplement their diet.
§  They used stone tools, bows and arrows.
§  They fished in rivers and lakes, using harpoons.
§  They lived in rock shelters and caves.
§  They made and used pottery.
§  They buried or cremated their dead.
§  Because of their nomadic lifestyle, they lived in seasonal camps and had no permanent homes.
§  Being hunter-gatherers, they were very few, with very few belongings i.e. a variety of stone tools, bows and arrows.
§  By the 7th century BC, they had learnt and practised fishing. They started living in semi permanent homes of rock shelters and caves.
§  After acquiring the skill of food production, they settled down in more permanent homes and owned more materials such as grinding stones, pestles and stone bowels, pots and calabashes.
§  They kept humpless long-horned cattle and grew food-crops like sorghum and millet.
§  They passed on many customs such as circumcision, age-set organization, the taboo against eating fish, etc. There was a lot of cultural exchange between them and the new comers.

    NB:These early inhabitants of Kenya may have been subdued by other stronger peoples, particularly the Bantu and the Nilotes through intermarriage, assimilation and war.

Some remnants of these early inhabitants speak the languages of the groups near or with whom they live. E.g.  some speak Kikuyu while others speak Olmaa: the language of the Maasai. A majority of them speak Kalenjin dialects. The Kalenjin refer to them as Okiek while the Maasai call them Dorobo. In western Kenya, the Nguye and Okuro were totally assimilated by the Luo and Bantu groups.

QUIZ: Name three linguistic groups in Kenya. (3 marks)

Linguistic groups in Kenya

  1. The Bantu
  2. The Nilotes
  3. The Cushites
NB:-BANTU is the largest linguistic group in Kenya.
        CUSHITESis the smallest language group in kenya.

QUIZ: Give three ways in which Kenyan communities interacted. (3 marks)

  1. Trade
  2. Warfare
  3. Intermarriage
  4. Sports

Origin of the people of Kenya

The Bantu -Their original homeland was somewhere between eastern Nigeria and the Cameroon (Congo Basin).. They first settled on the Congo forest.
The Nilotes originated in the Sudan.
The Cushites originated from Horn of Africa.


The Bantu

They had a similar sound of the root word for people has a ‘ntu’, ‘ndu’, ‘tu’ and the names of livestock are alike. 

The Bantu are the largest group in Kenya and are divided into two groups viz:
Western Bantu and Eastern Bantu based on how they entered Kenya. 

NB: The Bantu-speaking groups include the Luhyia, Kisii, Kuria, Kikuyu, Akamba, Meru, Aembu, Taita, Agiryama, Digo in Kenya and Pokomo, as well as many other smaller groups.

QUIZ: Name two classifications/ groups of the Bantu.

  • Western Bantu- Luhyia, Kisii, Kuria and abasuba and settled in western part of kenya thus their name.
  • Eastern Bantu                                                          


2004 18. (a) Why did the Bantu migrate from their original homeland? (5 mks)
i.        There was an increase in population thus the need for land for settlement
ii.        They were looking for land for cultivation
iii.        They needed land for grazing/ pasture
iv.        Internal conflicts forced them to migrate
v.        They were attacked by neighbouring communities/ external attacks
vi.        Outbreak of diseases led to migration/ outbreak of epidemics
vii.        They migrated due to drought and famine
viii.        Some people migrated for the sake of adventure    
ix. Group influence: Some moved because they had seen their relatives and friends move.
x. Need for water and pasture for their animals forced them to move.
xi. The Bantu migrated in order to export their iron-working culture.   ( 5 x 1 = 5 mks)


They include,
*       Abasuba-Suba
*       Abaluyia-Luhya
*       Abakuria-Kuria
*       Abagusii-Kisii

1999 5.  Name two Bantu communities in Kenya whose ancestors settled in the Mount Elgon area before migrating to their present homeland. (2 mks)
i.        Abagusii
ii.        Abakuria
iii.        Abaluyia/ any Abaluyia speaking group

2012 3. Name two Bantu groups in Kenya which settled in Mount Elgon area before migrating to their present homeland.                                 (2 marks)
(i)    Abaluhya
(ii)  Abagusii
(iii)    Abakuria

*       Luhyia oral tradition traces their origin to an area called Misiri. Historical evidence shows that Abaluhyia resulted from intermarriage between various ethnic groups in the course of their migration into Kenya. Buluhyia is an area in which Nilotes, Bantu and some Cushites interacted.
*       Luhyia migration and settlement into Kenya started around 300AD. Their most recent ancestors spread from Eastern Uganda from around 1300AD. Most of them may have originated from the mount Elgon region and then settled in Bukhayo, Marama, Tiriki, Bunyore, Wanga, Maragoli, Marachi, Kisa, Samia, Idakho, Isukha, Bungoma and other Bukusu areas, Bunyala, Busonga, etc.
*       As they migrated, they assimilated other groups, such as the southern and Eastern Cushites as well as Southern Nilotes.
*       Between 1550-1750AD, Luhyia society began to take shape. By 1883, Abaluhyia had fully emerged as a community.
*       Abaluhyia interacted with Nilotic speakers such as the Maasai, Kalenjin and Luo, which led to a lot of cultural exchange.
*       The interaction of Abaluhyia with several other communities perhaps explains why there exists so many clans and dialects among Abaluhyia. In fact, the term Luhyia means Family. Abaluhyia means People Of the Family or Family-people.

Eighteen major dialects constitute Abaluhyia.
*       Tiriki, *       Maragoli,
*       Isukha, *       Idaho,
*       Banyore, *       Kisa,
*       Batsotso, *       Marama,
*       Wanga, *       Banyala,
*       Batura, *       Kabarasi,
*       Bukusu, *       Tachoni,
*       Khayo, *       Marachi,
*       Basonga, *       Samia.

Each of these dialects consists of several clans and tended to exist independently, through remotely connected ties to the rest of Abaluhyia. In fact, Abaluhyia were constituted as a community in 1947, when the British colonial government administered all these Luhyia dialects as a single entity.

*       Abagusii may have originated from a place known to them as Misiri, under their ruler and ancestor called Kwitu.
*       From Misiri, Abagusii and some Abaluhyia groups migrated to the Mount Elgon region where they lived for several generations.
*       Around 1500AD, Abagusii, Abakuria and a section of Abalogoli migrated down Nzoyia river valley and settled at Goye in Yimbo and near Ramogi hill and other areas on the Eastern shores of lake Victoria.
*       Due to arrival of Luo Ancestors In the lake region around 1550AD, Abagusii were pushed to Alego, Kisumu, and Sakwa and Asembo areas.
*       Shortly after 1600AD, drought forced Abagusii to migrate and settle in the Kano plains. Their farther migration Eastwards brought them into conflicts with the Kipsigis. Because of this, they moved to the fertile Kisii highlands and other parts of their present homeland, such as Kitutu, South Mugirango and others.
*       In spite of conflicts with the Luo, Maasai and Kipsigis, Abagusii exhibited and practised good interaction, due to which they intermarried, traded and had other forms of exchange with these communities.

*       Abakuria live in south Nyanza. Their traditions indicate that they are related to the Abalogoli of Abaluhyia and Abagusii too.
*       They also trace their origin to the Mount Elgon region and maintain that they came from a place called Misiri.
*       They moved through chepalungu, Lolgorien and settled in kurialand  between 1580 and 1660 A.C.E.
*       Abakuria may have migrated alongside Abagusii up to 1500AD when they took their separate direction.
*       Abakuria settled briefly around the shores of Lake Victoria, where they interacted with the Luo and the Southern Cushites. Abakuria may have picked up the practice of circumcision and Age-set organization from the Southern Cushites.
*       Some of the Kuria clans may have come from northern Tanzania. e.g. abairegi from musoma.
*       By 1800AD, Abakuria had all settled in south Nyanza, where they again met and continued interacting with Abagusii. Indeed, some clans of Abagusii originally settled in Kuria territory in the second half of the 18th century.

Kuria clans included

  • ·       Abairegi
  • ·       Abagumbe
  • ·       Abahirichacha
  • ·       Wasimbete
  • ·       Abanyabasi
  • ·       Watobori
  • ·       Abakira
*       Abasuba occupy Mfangano and Rusinga islands on lake Victoria, where they settled from 1750AD, after arriving as refugees fleeing from Buganda. Other Suba people were displaced by the incoming Luo.
*       Suba migration was mainly triggered by fighting in Buganda and Busoga, following the assassination of Kyabbagu by some of his children. Kyabbagu was King of Buganda. As a result of the assassination, there was a struggle for succession to the throne, which made some of the groups around Lake Victoria to flee.
*       In their migration from Busoga and Buganda, most of the Suba spoke either Luganda or lusoga.
*       The Suba later interacted with the Luo as they entered Kenya, although they at first saw the Luo as a threat to them. They traded and intermarried with the Luo among other practices.
*       Some Abasuba settled at Gwasi and Kaksingiri in later years. They adopted the social customs of the Luo. Today, most Abasuba have adopted Luo culture and language.
*       Because of Luo influence, Abasuba have almost lost their original language and way of life.

QUIZ: Name the main social aspect that the Abasuba aquired from the Luo as a result of assimilation by the Luo. (1 mark)

          -The Luo language


They are divided into two ie

  •  Coastal Bantu 
  • Highland Bantu.

Coastal Bantu

They include the following:
·       Mijikenda, ·       Pokomo, ·       Taita

From the west Victoria dispersal point their first movement was upto Taita hills, where the Taita remained. The Mijikenda and Pokomo proceeded northwards to the coast upto Shungwaya (another dispersal point). The main reason for the Shungwaya dispersal was the Oromo attack In AD 1600.

QUIZ: Name two dispersal points of the Coastal Bantu. (2 marks)

  • West Victoria
  • Shungwaya
Mijikenda is a Kiswahili word that means nine clans. The Mijikenda comprise the nine communities that originally inhabited the nine settlements called Kaya in the immediate coastal hinterland.

By the 19th, the Mijikenda were established as middlemen during the long distance trade between the Akamba and the coastal Waswahili.

The 9 Communities the constitute the Mijikenda
*       The Giriama,
*       Kauma,
*       Chonyi,
*       Kambe,
*       Ribe,
*       Jibana,
*       Rabai,
*       Duruma,
*       Digo.

QUIZ: Give reason why the Mijikenda lived in KAYAs/ Fortified villages (1 mark)

  • For security purposes

Migration and settlement of the Mijikenda
*       The Mijikenda by the 15th century had settled around Mt. Kilimanjaro and Taita Hills due to conflicts they migrated northwards to Shungwaya, which in Bantu means “To be driven away”. Somewhere between rivers Juba and Tana.
*       From Shungwaya, the Bantu were forced to move southwards by the  Oromo, who also stopped their northward migration around the 16th century AD. The Somali also joined the Oromo in forcing the Mijikenda out of Shungwaya, from where the Mijikenda moved in small groups, which explains why they  settled in different places and why today the Mijikenda exist and are identified by their small groups or clans.
*       The Mijikenda settled  in fortified villages, just inland from the coast. Each of the nine groups settled in their own separate ridges, which are commonly referred to as Kaya, a word that means  ‘towns’. The term Mijikenda itself expresses that the community consists of nine related groups.
*       Each Kaya was fortified with tree trunks. Even after settling in their present homeland, their main enemies were the Oromo and the Somali.
*       By the 19th century, the Mijikenda had interacted and established themselves as middlemen in the Long Distance trade between the Akamba and the Waswahili at the coast.

2013 18 (b) Explain five social effects of the migration and settlement of the Mijikenda in their present homeland. (10 marks)

  •        i.          They intermarried with other groups thereby strengthening relationships.
  •      ii.          There was cultural exchange due to their interaction with other people/ assimilation/absorption.
  •    iii.          There was an increase in population in the areas where they settled.
  •    iv.          There were inter-community conflicts/wars in the areas they settled.
  •      v.          It caused redistribution of people in the areas they settled leading to further migration/displacement.
  •    vi.          Some were converted to Islam due to their interaction with Arabs.
  •  vii.          It led to the establishment of Kaya/villages which were fortified in order to protect themselves against external attacks.
Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
Ancestors of the Pokomo lived with those of the Mijikenda at Shungwaya, but the Pokomo moved southwards and settled along river Tana, where they interacted with Cushitic communities. Population pressure and Oromo attacks were the main reasons for Pokomo movement from Shungwaya.

QUIZ: Give the main reason why the Pokomo moved from Shungwaya. (1mark)

  • Attack by the neighboring communities (main)
  • Population pressure
Migration and settlement of the Taita into Kenya
*       The Taita are a people of mixed origin, though most of them trace their origin to Shungwaya.
*       They first settled on Mangea hill in the 16th century, from where they migrated to their present home areas.
*       They live on three hills i.e. Davida, Sagalla and Kisigan.

Highland Bantu/central/ Mt. Kenya group
They include:
*       Agikuyu
*       Ambeere
*       Aembu
*       Ameru
*       Akamba

The Agikuyu are the largest population of all the Eastern Bantu. They inhabit the Central province of Kenya.

Legends or myths that refer to Gikuyu origin
*       That which presents the Agikuyu as having originated from Mukurwe Wa Gathanga, where their ancestors (Gikuyu and his wife mumbi) were settled after God created them. According to this legend, Gikuyu and mumbi begat nine daughters, who married and mothered the nine clans of the present Agikuyu.
*       That which states that the Agikuyu may have descended from one of the four sons of a Mbeere man, the other three of which may have mothered the Akamba, Athi and Maasai.

Migration and settlement of the Agikuyu into Kenya
*       By 1200AD, The Bantu had already settled in the Central province of Kenya. However, the original inhabitants of the area were hunter-gatherers, such as the Athi (Dorobo) and the Gumba. These may have been the remnants of the original inhabitants. The Athi and the Gumba interacted with the Agikuyu, who later assimilated them.
*       The Agikuyu may have moved south-west from the coast around 1400AD, probably to avoid hostile neighbours, such as the Oromo. They also may have moved in search for cultivable land. They followed the Tana River.
*       As they moved, some groups broke off and settled in different places. Those who settled in the East became the Tharaka while those who settled in the south-west became the  mbeere. They had arrived and settled in Mbeere and Chuka from a northern direction by the 16th century AD. One group proceeded to the confluence of the Tana and Thika rivers by the beginning of the 18th century. This was the group of Gikuyu ancestors that is associated with the Mukurwe Wa Gathanga tradition in Murang’a.
*       The Agikuyu later moved to the Mweya plains, where they were joined by the Akamba and the Thagicu. Farther expansion of the Agikuyu led to the displacement of the Athi and Gumba, some of who were assimilated while others ran into the Nyandarua and Mount Kenya forests.
*       In the first half of the 19th century, the Agikuyu once more migrated to Othaya and Aguthi. They also moved north-Eastwards to Mathira and Tetu in Nyeri. They spread and settled in different parts of Central province and reached as far as Kiambu and Nyandarua. Their settlement in Kiambu and Nyandarua was interrupted by the coming of the Europeans in the 19th century. However, they were still migrating by early 20th century.
*       As they migrated, the Agikuyu borrowed ideas from the Cushites, the Maasai, the Gumba and Athi. The Gumba and Athi were later together known as the Okiek.
*       The Maasai seriously opposed or resisted Agikuyu invasion. However, the  Athi welcomed and were on good terms with the Agikuyu. 

QUIZ: Name the socioeconimic aspects that tha Agikuyu borrowed from the Athi.

  •  ironworking, 
  • circumcision, 
  • clitoridectomy (female circumcision) 
  •  age-set features.
Describe the relationship between Athi and the Agikuyu
a) The Athi were the original inhabitants of the land where the Agikuyu live presently.
b) The Agikuyu claim they bought the land from the Athi.
c) The Agikuyu also acquired some cultural practices from the Athi e.g. circumcision, clitoridectomy and age set system.
d) The Athi acted as middlemen in the trade between the Agikuyu, Maasai and the coastal people.

Dialects that constitute/make up the Ameru

  • ·       The Tigania,
  • ·       Igembe,
  • ·       Imenti,
  • ·       Igoji,
  • ·       Chuka,
  • ·       Tharaka,
  • ·       Muthambi,
  • ·       Muimbi.
Discuss/analyse migration and settlement of the Ameru into Kenya.
*       The Ameru claim a place called Mbwa, which is somewhere at the coast (probably Manda island) as their area of origin. However, historians believe that this tradition of Mbwa fits very well with Bantu dispersal from Shungwaya.
*       By late 15th century, ancestors of the Ameru had begun arriving in Meru. Ameru migration from the coast was mainly due to Oromo pressure.
*       From Shungwaya, the Ameru moved westwards along the river Tana and pushed into Igembe and Tigania regions. Around 1400AD, the Ameru and other Mount Kenya groups were living as hunters and pastoralists.
*       They moved farther into the interior, crossing river Tana. Some, especially the Tharaka, finally settled to the East of River Tana as others such as the Chuka, Muimbi, Imenti, Tigania and Igembe settled in the area west of the River Tana.
*       The Ameru and Agikuyu are believed to have initially migrated as one group until the 15th and 16th centuries, when the Agikuyu took their separate direction. The traditions of the two groups and those of the Aembu and Mbeere seem to confirm this view.
*       Aembu and mbeere ancestors are believed to have initially migrated with those of the Ameru and Agikuyu from the Kilimanjaro area before going their separate way.
*       By 1500, the Mbeere had settled in their present homeland. However, the Aembu crossed River Thuci and moved north-westwards to the area East of mount Kenya, where they  settled and interacted with the Athi and Gumba, who they later assimilated and from who they learnt the art of bee keeping, ironworking and circumcision.


Migration and settlement of the Akamba into Kenya
The Akamba trace their origin to the area around Mount Kilimanjaro, from where their ancestors migrated to the great bend of the river Tana. They then moved to Taita hills and finally reached Tsavo west. Around mid-15th century AD, the Akamba followed the Eastern banks of river Athi, from where one group moved across the Athi to Ulu. Due to Oromo attacks, another group of the Akamba moved south to the Galana river and settled in the region around Chyulu hills north of Mount Kilimanjaro. Due to drought in the Chyulu area, some Akamba migrated and settled in the Mbooni hills near Machakos around mid-16th century.
Soon, due to population increase, some Akamba migrated farther to Iveti, Kilungu, Masaku and Makueni.
In the course of their migration and settlement, the Akamba met and interacted with the Agikuyu.
In what ways was Akamba migration and settlement influenced by the environment?

(Explain how and what environmental factors influenced Akamba migration and settlement into Kenya).
*       Those in Mbooni region took up agriculture due to soil fertility and ample rainfall in the area.
*       The Akamba who moved to drier areas like Chyulu hills became hunters.
*       Others moved to Kitui and adopted pastoralism and hunting. It is this group that later participated in the Long Distance trade by providing ivory and slaves to the coastal traders in thee 19th century.

NB: Akamba interact with the Agikuyu in the course of Akamba migration and settlement into Kenya in the following ways:
*       They exchanged trade items.
*       They intermarried.
*       They adopted cultural aspects like language and dressing.
*       They raided and fought each other.
*       They began sporting activities such as wrestling and archery.

Effects of their migration

1997 17 b). Discuss the results of the migration and settlement of the Eastern Bantu into Kenya by 1900.
       i.          The incoming Bantu communities had iron weapons which enabled them to displace some of the communities which they came into contact with for example the Gumba in the slopes of Mount Kenya.

     ii.          They intermarried with their neighbours/those people they came into contact with such as the Cushites and Nilotes.
   iii.          Their settlement led to the expansion/development of trade between them and their neighbors e.g. The Agikuyu traded with the Maasai.
   iv.          There was cultural exchange between the Bantu and their Cushitic and Nilotic neighbors.
     v.          Expansion of the Bantu created pressure over land which led to intercommunity conflicts and wars.
   vi.          Intercommunity conflicts led to loss of lives and destruction of property.
 vii.          Adoption of some agricultural practices from the Bantu.
Any 5 points, 2 marks each    (10 mks)

Positive results
1. Introduction of iron working the use of iron tools in the interior of East Africa where people were at first using stone tools. There was an increase in food production.
2. Introduction of new crops e.g. yams, bananas: the Bantu introduced and increased the knowledge of food and extensive crop cultivation. Earlier on, the inhabitants of East Africa were food gatherers, but with iron smelting and its results, food production seriously started.
3. The absorbed other tribes e.g. the gathers: This led to widespread Bantu languages of “NTU”prefix in East Africa.
4. They introduced centralized administration: They introduced a centralized system of government whereby the king acted as the overall ruler, under who were the other chiefs, down to the lay person. This was done in western Kenya by the Wanga.
5. Introduced a system of building permanent homes: They opened new land to settlement in families, clans and villages.
6. The knowledge of iron smelting which the Bantu introduced led to the making of hoes and pangas for tilling and clearing land, the bows, arrows and spears for defense and protection.
7. They introduced subsistence agriculture, whereby they grew enough food for home consumption, and the rest could be kept in case of shortages, or be exchanged in barter trade.

Negative effects

1. The Bantu migration led to depopulation: This was caused by the frequent attacks made on the Bantu by Somali and Oromo, or by the Bantu against the people East Africa for land, through wars.
2. There was loss of culture due to cultural absorption: This was brought about due to Bantu intermarrying with the non- Bantu peoples, whom they came across.

3. There was transformation of languages into new ones: This led to the dying down of some of the Bantu languages, while others remained.

1998 17.   a) Describe the migration and settlement of the Eastern Bantu speakinCommunities in Kenya unto 1800.
  They migrated from the original home in the Congo Basin and settled in the Taita Hills area around Mount Kilimanjaro by the 2nd Century AD.
     ii.          Some of them later migrated northwards along the coast to Shungwaya in present day Somalia. These were the ancestors of Mijikenda, pokomo and Taita.
   iii.          The ancestors of the Mount Kenya groups moved into the interior along the Tana River.
   iv.          From about 1450 the communities which had settled in Shungwaya were forced to disperse from the area due to external pressure from the cushites.
     v.          The ancestors of the Mijikenda and Taita moved south and established their settlement along thcoast while those of the Pokomo migrated into the interior and settled along river Tana while the Ameru migrated to the slopes of Mount Kenya.                                         
Any 5 points,  (1 mk) (5mks)

2007 3.       Name the dispersal area of the Eastern Bantu.
-Shungwaya                                             1x1=1mk

1999 17. (a) Why did the Bantu migrate from their coastal settlement aShungwaya in the sixteenth century? (3 mks)
     i.          Invasion of the settlement by the incoming cushites
   ii.          Internal conflicts/ feuds
 iii.          Population increase
 iv.          Outbreak of diseases/ epidermics/ natural calamities
   v.          Search for more land for settlement and pasture
(Any 3 points, 1 mrk)                         ( 3 mks)

2001 2.        One reason why the Mijikenda community migrated from their settlement aShungwaya during the Pre- colonial period.

  •        i.          Invasion of the settlement by the incoming cushites
  •      ii.          Internal conflicts
  •    iii.          Outbreak of epidemic
  •    iv.          Insecurity in the area
  •      v.          search for pasture

2013 18. a) Give five reasons for the migration of the Mijikenda from Shungwaya during the pre- colonial period.

  •        i.          Due to attacks by the Oromo/Cushitic speakers.
  •      ii.          Due to increased population.
  •     iii.          Due to internal conflicts/family/clan feuds.
  •     iv.          In search for land for cultivation.
  •      v.          Due to drought/famine.
  •     vi.          Due to outbreak of diseases/epidemics.
  •   vii.          Due to love for adventure.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks
2011 2         What was the main reason for the migration of the Eastern Bantu from Shugwaya during Pre-colonial period. (1mark)
§  Due to attacks by the Galla


Nilotes is a term originating from the word Nile. The origin of these groups is associated with the Nile River.
These are the second largest group after the Bantu.

They are divided into three groups;

a) River-lake nilotes- the Luo.
b) Plains nilotes- the Maasai, Tunkana and Samburu.
c) Highlands nilotes- kalenjin groups of the Marakwet, Tugen, Nandi, Kipsigis, Elgeyo , Pokot and Sabaot

River and Lake Nilotes

Communities that belong to the River-Lake Nilotes group are the Kenya Luo, who mainly occupy Luo Nyanza and parts of Western province. They are sometimes called Southern Luo in order to distinguish them from other River-lake Nilotes in Uganda and southern Sudan who include;
v The Dinka,
v Shiluk,
v Bor,
v Anwak,
v Alur,
v Acholi,
v Jopaluo,
v Padhola,
v Nuer,
v The Luo of Uganda.

Kenyan Luo
Migration and settlement of the Luo into Kenya
·            The Luo originated from Bahr-El-Ghazal, area in Southern Sudan, from where they moved and settled at Pu Bungu in northern Uganda.
·            They then moved to Pakwach, where they had settled by 1450AD. It was from Pakwach that they later migrated into Kenya.
·            By the 15th century, the Luo had begun to move to present-day Kenya.
·          NB: Though they all claim common ancestry in Ramogi, They migrated and settled in Kenya in four main groups. These were:
(a)   Joka Owiny,
(b)  Joka Jok,
(c)   Joka Omolo,
(d)  Abasuba.

Why did they leave Bahr-el-Ghazal region?
a) They might have been Escaping from clan or family feuds.
b) There was population pressure in their area of origin.
c) They were nomadic pastoralists in search of better grazing lands and water for their livestock
d) They were fleeing the outbreak of disease that affected both people and animals.
e) They were escaping famine and drought.
f) They fled constant attacks from their neighbours.
g) They were also looking for better fishing grounds.
h) The migrated to satisfy their spirit of adventure.

Migration and settlement of the four Luo groups into Kenya

The term “Joka” means “People of”. “Joka Jok” means “people of Jok”.
v Jok and his people were the first to move Eastwards out of Uganda. They were the first Luo group to arrive in Kenya.
v By the 15th century, they had settled at Ramogi hills of Kadimo in Yimbo in present-day Siaya district.
v Later, two of Jok’s sons fled to south Nyanza across the Winam gulf to form the Karachwonyo and Wanjare clans.
v From Ramogi hills, Joka Jok also spread to Sakwa, Alego, Asembo and other parts of Nyanza province. Joka Jok migrated as a result of internal conflicts among other factors.

v Owiny and his group may have moved from Uganda in late 16th century AD. They passed through Mbale, Toro and the Mount Elgon region and eventually settled in Samia.
v By early 17th century, they had arrived at Sigoma in Alego, from where they spread to Uyoma, Kisumu, Nyakach and south Nyanza.
v Because Owiny was a great fighter and leader, his people became popularly known as Joka Ruoth. His name was merged with that of Sigoma (the place where Owiny and his people first settled in Alego) to form Owiny-Sigoma.

v Joka Omolo came from the northern Bunyoro region in present-day Uganda. They settled temporarily in Ibanda and Bukoli before moving on to Samia, Ugenya and Gem.
v By 1600, they had reached Yimbo, from where they spread to Alego and other areas.
v As they migrated, they encountered Abagusi and Abalogoli, whom they pushed out of Yimbo.
v By early 18th century, some Joka family groups had moved across Winam gulf into south Nyanza.

v Though associated with the Luo, Abasuba were originally Bantu. Most of them migrated from Buganda in late 18th century.
v They intermarried with the Luo and settled in the Gwasi area and on the Lake Victoria islands of Mfangano and Rusinga. Most of them adopted Luo culture.

*       They are River Lake Nilotes. They came from Southern Sudan around Bahr- el- Ghazel
*       They migrated Southwards to Pubungu or Pakwach in Uganda where they settled by 1450 A.D
*       By 15th century, the Luo began to move into Kenya in 4 different groups namely: Joka- Jok, Jok Owiny and Joka Omolo and the refugees
*       Joka-Jok were first to move out of Uganda. They settled first at Ramogi hills and later spread to Sakwa, Alego, Asembo and other parts of Nyanza
*       Jok Owiny moved out of Uganda and settled in Sigoma in 17th century. They spread to Kisumu, Nyakach and South Nyanza
*       Jok Omolo came from Southern Bunyoro. They settled in Ibada and Bukoli before moving to Ugenya and Gem. As they moved they displaced the Abagusii and Abalagoli out of Yimbo
*       Later came the refugees who settled among the Abasuba   
2006 2.        Name one community in Kenya that belongs to the River Lake Nilotes
(i)  The Luo                                                          ( 1 mk)

2010 3.  State the first settlement area of the Luo during their migration from Sudan.
- Pubungu/Pakwach         1 x 1 = 1 mark

Factors for migration of the Nilotes

*            Search for fresh grazing land and water for their cattle.
  -     Natural calamities such as drought, famine, pests, etc.
*            Family feuds (internal conflicts/rivalry).
*            Population pressure in their cradle land.
*            Attacks from neighbouring communities.
*            Outbreak of diseases and epidemics, which afflicted both people and livestock.
*            The spirit of adventure.
*            Search for better fishing areas.

2007 18.      a)        Give five reasons for the migration of the Luo from their original homeland into Kenya.
i.          They were looking for new settlements as a result of overpopulation
ii.          Diseases and natural disasters forced them to migrate.
iii.          They migrated in order to escape internal conflicts.
iv.          Overstocking and Overgrazing led them to look for more pasture.
v.          They moved to search for fertile lands with favourable climate.
vi.          Some people migrated for adventure (spirit of adventure)
vii.          Search for fishing grounds.
Any 5x1 = 5mks

Effects of their migration of the Nilotes

2002 18.      a) What were the results of the settlement of the Luo in Kenya during
the pre-colonial period?
i.        Assimilation of some communities they found in the areas e.g. Abasuba
ii.        Intermarriage with the neighbours e.g. Abaluyia
iii.        Neighboring communities lost some of their land to the incoming Luo.
iv.        Displacement of some communities e.g. Abagusii.
v.        Increased conflicts over control of resources between the Luo and their neighbours.
vi.        Expansion of trade with the neighboring iron/iron tools
vii.        Occupation of fertile land influenced the Luo to adopt farming on a large scale.
viii.        Cultural exchange between the Luo and their neighboring e.g. language, naming                                                           7x1 = 7mks

2007 18(b)       What the social effects of the expansion of the Luo into Western Kenya? (10mks)

  •        i.          They intermarried with their neighbours, such as Luhyia, Kalenjin, Abagusii and Kuria.
  •      ii.          They shared the name ‘Nyasaye with some Luo communities as a title of God
  •    iii.          They had similar funeral rites and burial customs with their neighbours
  •    iv.          They assimilated other communities.
  •      v.          They displaced other communities
  •    vi.          Their movement and settlement increased conflicts.
  •  vii.          Their settlement in Western Kenya led to population increase.
  • viii.          They influenced their neighbours to adopt their language and naming system.


2008 2. Name two communities in Kenya who belong to the Plain Nilotes. (2 mks)

  •        i.          Iteso
  •      ii.          Samburu
  •    iii.          Turkana
  •    iv.          Maasai
  •      v.          Njemps                                                                                   Any 2 x 1=2 marks
2009 2.        Apart from the Maasai name one other plain Nilotes found in Kenya

  •        i.          Turkana
  •      ii.          Samburu
  •    iii.          Njemps
  •    iv.          Iteso
(Any 1 x 1 = 1 mk)

Factors for migration

2010 18. a)  Give five reasons which influenced the migration of the plain Nilotes to Kenya during the pre-colonial period.

  • i)                They moved in search of pasture and water for their livestock.
  • ii)              Due to outbreak of disease/epidermics
  •             Pressure/raids from other communities forced them to move to safer areas.
  •             Family/clan disputes forced them to migrate
  • v)               There was over population/population pressure in their original homeland.
  • vi)             They moved due to drought/famine
  • vii)           The spirit of adventure made them search for new lands.
Migration and settlement

v The Maasai and the original Kalenjin speakers first lived in the northern Lake Turkana area. They may have entered East Africa around 1000AD. Being nomadic pastoralists, they probably migrated mainly due to the need for fresh grazing land and water for their large herd.
v In spite of their close association with the original Kalenjin speakers in the Northern Lake Turkana region and elsewhere, the Maasai may have developed separately, as shown by the different languages and cultures among and between them and their previous associates.
v Around 1500AD, the Maasai began to move within the area between mount Elgon and mount Kamalinga and reached the Uasin Gishu plateau.
v Around 1700AD, they went southwards and established themselves in the area previously occupied by the Kalenjin, who had migrated ahead of them. They assimilated some of the people they conquered, such as the Sirikwa.
v By 1800, the Maasai had occupied much of the Central Kenya plains and north-central Tanzania. By that time, they were grazing their livestock throughout East Africa, especially in the Rift valley. They met and waged war against communities such as the Kalenjin, Akamba and Abagusi. They were very fierce warriors and could not allow a stranger into their land.
v Because of their nomadic lifestyle, they were not able to form a kingdom.
v Towards 1750, the Maasai community were weakened by internal rivalry, among other problems.
v British colonization of Kenya at the end of the 19th century  brought Maasai power to an end

Describe two main groups into which the Maasai are divided.
(a)   The Purko (Ilmaasai), who are strictly pastoralists.
(b)  The Iloikop (Kwavi) Maasai, who practise mixed farming.

Problems experienced by the Maasai towards 1750AD
v Natural disasters, especially drought and famine.
v Diseases such as Small-pox, cholera, Pleura-Pneumonia and Rinderpest, which killed large numbers of people and livestock.
v A series of civil wars between the Iloikop and Ilmaasai, especially after the death of Laibon Mbatian, when his two sons Lenana and Sendeyo were involved in a succession dispute.
v Frequent wars between the Maasai and the neighbouring communities such as the Agikuyu and the Nandi.
v Rise of the Nandi, who expanded their power over the already weak Maasai.
v British rule. British colonization of Kenya at the end of the 19th century brought Maasai power to an end.
2010 18. b)  Explain five results of the migration and settlement of the Maasai in Kenya during the pre-colonial period.

  •        i.          They displaced some communities that they found in areas that they settled.
  •      ii.          Their settlement led to increased population in the region.
  •    iii.          They intermarried with their neighbours. This strengthened their relations.
  •    iv.          Some section of the Maasai (Kwavi) became cultivators/assimilated
  •      v.          There was ethnic conflict due to cattle raids/land for settlement.
  •    vi.          There was borrowing/exchange of cultural practices among the communities
  •  vii.          There was increased trade between the Maasai and their neighbours.
  • viii.          They influenced the socio-political organization of the Nandi who created the institution of Orkoyoit similar to Oloibon of the Maasai.
v They originated from the area around Mt. Moroto among the Karamoja of Uganda in the 17th century.
v They moved to the north East to search for pasture and water
v They settled south west of Lake Turkana.
v They experience warfare with the Rendile, and Samburu over water, pasture and livestock.

Factors for migration
1997 1. GIVE TWO factors which led to the migration and settlement of the Iteso into Kenya by 1800.

  1.        i.          Search for land/pasture/water for their herds
  2.      ii.          Family / clan fights/ internal conflicts
  3.    iii.          External attacks/ pressure
  4.    iv.          Increase in population
  5.      v.          Outbreak of diseases / epidemics
  6.    vi.          Natural calamities e.g. drought
  7.  vii.          Spirit of adventure
2001 19. (a) State five factors that led to the migration of the Iteso from their original home in the Lake Turkana region to their present homeland.
i.        Population increase in the area forced them to search for more land for
ii.        settlement
iii.        Internal conflicts and feuds created a sense of insecurity and made some
iv.        clans/communities to migrate.
v.        Drought and famine caused suffering and made people to migrate.
vi.        Outbreak of cattle diseases and epidemics
vii.        Invasion and attacks of their settlements by their neighbours.
viii.        Search for pasture and water for their animals.
ix.        Desire for adventure.

Migration and settlement of the Iteso
v The Iteso began migrating from Karamoja, in late 17th century and early 18th century. Between 1652-1731, they arrived at Kumi and Soroti, from where they spread towards mount Elgon.
v By the 19th century, the Iteso  had settled In Western Kenya, where they interacted with the Babukusu and Bagisu through intermarriage, trade, agriculture, keeping livestock, intertribal wars, etc.
v It was as a result of such interaction that the Iteso adopted agriculture in addition to pastoralism. They grew crops such as sweet potatoes, groundnuts, cassava and varieties of vegetables. This enabled the Iteso to be more settled.

2001 19 (b) Explain five effects of migration and settlement of the Iteso in Kenya

  • (i)              The settlement of the Iteso in their present homeland led to increase in population in the area.
  • (ii)            It intensified conflicts between communities in the area over limited resources.
  • (iii)           It led to intermarriage between the Iteso and the communities they found in the area such as the Abaluyia
  • (iv)           Culture interaction between the Iteso and the communities they found in the area gave rise to enriched culture.
  • (v)            It led to the displacement of some communities from the area e.g. the Maasai, Luhyia and some Kalenjin communities.
  • (vi)           They assimilated some of the communities living in the area.
  • (vii)         Their settlement enhanced trade between different communities in the area.
  • (viii)       The Iteso adopted agriculture as a result of interacting with other communities in the area. (Any 5 points, 2 marks (10 marks)

Effects of their migration

2000 18. (a) Explain five results of the migration and settlement of the plain nilotes in Kenya

  1.        i.          Their settlement increased conflicts and insecurity in the area as they rivaled other communities over the control of resources
  2.      ii.          They influenced the way of life of other communities they found in other areas
  3.    iii.          They displaced some of the communities they found in the area such as the Southern Cushites
  4.    iv.          Their settlement led to an increase in population in the region therefore facing some communities to migrate
  5.      v.          They promoted commerce in the area as they traded with their neighbours such as the Nandi, Akamba and Agikuyu
  6.    vi.          Plain Nilotes were influenced by Highland Nilotes and Bantu neighbours to practice agriculture. For example the Kwavi section of the Maasai, Iteso and Mount Elgon. Maasai adopted agriculture
  7.  vii.          The plain Nilotes intermarried with their neighbours such as the Meru, Abaluyia and Kalenjin
  8. Some communities borrowed the political systems from the Maasai for example the development of the office of the Orkoiyot among the Nandi was due to their interaction with the Maasai.
  9.    ix.          It led to the enrichment of the languages spoken in the region as they interacted with other communities.
  10.      x.          Some communities/ clans were assimilated by the incoming plains nilotes.

QUIZ:Name two Maa speakers in Kenya. (2 marks)

  • Maasai
  • Samburu

Highland Nilotes

They comprise the kalenjin speakers namely;

  • Tugen, 
  • Nandi, 
  • Kipsigis, 
  • Marakwet, 
  • Keiyo, 
  • Pokot and 
  • Sabaot. 

They are believed to be the earliest Nilotic speakers in Kenya. This evidenced from the narratives of their neighbours like the Luo.
Their traditions point their original homeland to be a place to the north-western part of Kenya, between Sudan and Ethiopia.

Why the Highland Nilotes migrated:

a) Escaping from internal enemies causing clan or family feuds.
b) There was population pressure in their area of origin forcing them to look for new land for settlement.
c) They were fleeing the outbreak of diseases and epidemics that affected both people and animals.
d) They were escaping famine and drought.
e) They fled constant attacks from their neighbours.
f) They were also looking for better lands for cultivation.
g) The migrated to satisfy their spirit of adventure.

Analyse/discuss migration and settlement of the Highland Nilotes into Kenya.
*       Highland Nilotes were pastoralists. Their ancestors may first have lived in Karamoja before they split into various groups.
*       The Highland Nilotes may have been the earliest Nilotic speakers in Kenya. They must have occupied most of western Kenya, because their neighbours speak a lot about them. They are mentioned in tales told of their warlike nature, e.g. the Luo story of Lwanda Magere (a strong Luo warrior)  who was eventually betrayed by a Nandi lady in order for the Nandi to gain victory over the Luo.
*       Kalenjin traditions indicate that their original homeland lay at a place to the north-western part of Kenya, between Sudan and Ethiopia, from where the highland Nilotes may have began migrating during the last millennium. The Dadog of Tanzania and the pioneer Kalenjin emigrants in Kenya such as the Sirikwa may have occupied the Rift Valley by 700AD.
*       Highland Nilotic remnants therefore spread towards the western mount Elgon highlands, next to the Kenya-Uganda border. These became the ancestors of the Kalenjin speakers we have today.
*       The Kalenjin first lived as a single community on mount Kamalinga to the north-west of the lake Turkana region. In the 17th century, they began expanding southwards to the slopes of Mount Elgon, where some of them remained as others moved on. The Bok, Bongomek and Kony are among those that remained. Indeed, it was from the Kalenjin that the Bantu got some cultural practices, such as circumcision.
*       By early 17th century, the Kalenjin had inhabited Nandi, Aldai, Kamasiya, Elgon, etc. As pastoralists, they roamed and grazed in their new homeland, which led to intermarriage between them and the Uasingishu, the Maasai, the Sirikwa, etc.

ร˜ The Nandi may have moved from the mount Elgon region between 1700-1800AD.
ร˜ In the last half of the 19th century, they emerged as one of the strongest groups in Western Kenya. For instance, apart from other warfare, they conducted raids for livestock against Abaluhyia, the Luo and even the Uasingishu Maasai.
ร˜ The rise of the Nandi to power was facilitated by the decline of the Maasai, who were weakened by civil wars among other calamities.
ร˜ By the end of the 19th century, the Nandi had dominated almost all the communities in the rift valley apart from the Kipsigis, who served as their allies. Nandi power only declined when colonial rule was imposed on Kenya. But even then, the Nandi resisted colonial intrusion for six years.
ร˜ The Nandi and the Kipsigis may have separated from other Kalenjin groups such as the Bok, Bongomek and the Tugen in the mount Elgon area around 1600AD. They moved south-East to Teo near lake Baringo.
ร˜ Due to Maasai hostility, they moved westwards to Tambach, where they stayed for a long period.
ร˜ From Tambach, they went farther south to Rongai near Nakuru.
ร˜ Drought and Maasai raids are among the factors that caused Nandi separation from the Kipsigis.
ร˜ From Rongai, the Kipsigis moved south to Kericho while the Nandi moved westwards to Aldai. This was probably during the second half of the 18th century.
ร˜ Settlement of the Kipsigis at Kipsigis Hill marked the establishment of a strong community. They assimilated the groups that they found at Kipsigis hill, such as the Sirikwa, some Maasai and some Gusii.

Factors for migration

v Search for cultivable land as well as pasture and water for their livestock.
v Drought, famine and other natural calamities.
v Rapid population increase.
v Diseases and epidemics, which afflicted both people and livestock.
v Internal conflicts and rivalries. For instance, the Karamojong and Turkana exerted pressure on other groups, such as the Iteso.
v Pressure or attacks from hostile neighbouring communities.
v Adventure and desire for loot and plunder.

2006 18.     (a) Why did the highland Nilotes migrate from their original homeland during the Pre- colonial period?

  • (i)              They moved in search of water and pasture for their livestock
  • (ii)            The outbreak of diseases/ epidemics forced them to move
  • (iii)           Attacks from their communities forced them to move/ external attacks
  • (iv)           There was population pressure in their original homeland
  • (v)            They moved due to draught and famine
  • (vi)           Family/ clan dispute/ conflicts forced them to migrate/ internal conflicts
  • (vii)         They moved for adventure

Effects/Results of their migration

2006 18. (b)       Explain five results of the migration and settlement of the Highland Nilotes sin Kenya
i.        They displaced some communities they found in the area where they settled e.g. Abagusii, the Kwavi, Maasai and the Abaluyia ( example a must)
ii.        Some highland Nilotes were absorbed/ assimilated by the Bantu such a the Teriki and the Tachoni
iii.        The Highland Nilotes traded with their neighbours/ they exchanged animal products for grains from the Abaluyia and the Abagusii. This led to the expansion of trade in the region.
iv.        Their settlement increased the population of the region
v.        The highlands Nilotes intermarried with the Luo, Abagusii and Abaluyia. This strengthened their relations.
vi.        There were ethnic wars/ conflicts due to cattle raids
vii.        There was cultural exchange leading to enrichment of their lives
( Any 5 x 2 = 10 mks)

Effects of Nilotes’ migration

v There was assimilation of communities.
v There was change in the economic activities of some communities for example the Luo became fishermen.
v There were intermarriages with other communities especially their neighbours for example the Abagusii and the Abaluhyia.
v There was interaction with communities the Nilotes came across.
v There was conquest and displacement of some communities.
v Wars increased between communities.
v There was borrowing of cultural practices by the people who came into contact with the Nilotes.
v Some communities developed new political institutions for example ‘Oloiboni’ by the Maasai and the institution of ‘Orkoyiot’ by the Nandi.
v There was enrichment of language through word borrowing.


The Cushites entered Kenya from the North Eastern direction. They were coming from the horn of Africa which was their original homeland.
The Cushites may be split into two categories:
i)                The Eastern Cushites
ii)  The Southern Cushites

Southern Cushites

These migrated into Kenya from the Ethiopian Highlands. They went southwards and settled between Kenya and Northern Tanzania.
This category includes the Sanye, Dahallo and Boni living at the mouth of River Tana.
2012 2. Identify one community in Kenya which belongs to the Southern Cushitic group.
. Dahallo/sanye (1mark)

2013 2. Name the community in Kenya that belongs to the Southern Cushites.
-             The Dahallo (Sanye)  1 x 1 = 1 mark

Eastern Cushites

This category includes the Oromo, Somali, Rendile, Gabbra, Shangilla and Burji.
v They arrived in Kenya in the 16th century and settled on the Eastern shores of lake Turkana.
v They tried to move Eastwards but were stopped by the Somali. They therefore moved south-Eastwards and reached the coast in around 1600AD.
v In the area around Shungwaya, they confronted and forced the Mijikenda and Pokomo to leave. They occupied Malindi and Kilifi.
v Even before their arrival in Kenya, the Oromo had conflicts with the Somali, which continued up to early 20th century when both signed an agreement by which they settled in their present homeland. Today, the Oromo are found on the southern part of the river Tana and are neighbours to the Pokomo.

v The Borana, who are part of the Oromo-speaking people of southern Ethiopia, migrated into Kenya in the last quarter of the 19th and the first quarter of the 20th century. They were running away from the heavy taxation and rule of Menelik ii).
v They spread into Kenya and settled in Wajir, Marsabit and Moyale.
v About 1000AD, more Borana groups migrated into present-day Kenya from Somalia due to war between Somali nationalists and British colonialists.

Trace/discuss the migration and settlement of the Somali into Kenya.
v   The Somali were living in Mogadishu by the 10th century AD. Around that time, they began to move southwards,, probably because the Oromo presented a threat, or because  they were looking for pasture, since they were nomadic pastoralists.
v   Between the twelfth and the fourteenth centuries AD, many of the Somali converted to Islam and established the Ajuran state near Mogadishu.
v   By the 17th century, the Somali pushed the Oromo out of their traditional homeland near river Juba. The Oromo responded by migrating into Kenya.

2008 3. What was the original homeland of the Eastern Cushites?                (1 mk)     
Ethiopian highlands                                                                                (1 mk)

Factors for migration

2005 18 a) Give five reasons which led to the migration of the Cushites from their original homeland into Kenya during the pre-colonial period?
i.        They moved in search for pasture and water for their livestock.
ii.        There was drought and famine in their original homeland.
iii.        There was outbreak of diseases and epidemics in their original homeland.
iv.        To escape from constant attacks from their neigbours/or external attacks
v.        They moved in search of land for settlements as their population had
vi.        increased.
vii.        They moved to know what was beyond the horizon/adventure.
1996 17.  a)   What factors which made the cushites to migrate into Kenya during the pre-colonial period.
(i)              Hostile neighbours in their homeland
(ii)            Succession disputes/ feuds/ family conflicts
(iii)          Search for pastured for their livestock.
(iv)          Natural calamities such as drought/disease
(v)            search for land for settlement
(vi)          Population pressure
(vii)        Spirit of adventure.
Any 5 x1 marks
2000 2.  Economic reasons why the cushites migrated from their original homeland Kenya
         i.     They were running away due to cattle disease which were interfering with their cattle keeping economic activity
       ii.     They were running away to look for better farming lands as there was drought in the area of origin.
2004 2.  Give two reasons for the migration of the Borana from Ethiopia into Kenya. (2 mks)
i.        External attacks
ii.        Internal conflicts
iii.            Drought/ famine/ water Pasture

Effects of their migration

1997 15.      a)        Name the result of the migration and settlement of the Somali
into Kenya by 1800.
(i)              The Somali people intermarried with the people they came into contact with such as the Pokomo and Borana / Intermarried with neighbours
(ii)            Their settlement in Kenya led to the expansion of trade in the region.
(iii)           Demand for agricultural produce by the Somali led to the expansion of trade in the region.
(iv)           Their settlement led to increased conflicts between communities over resources such as pasture and water.
(v)            Their migration and settlement led to take displacement and redistribution of people in area where they settled.
(vi)           Led to cultural exchange between the Somali and the people they came into contact with. For example the neighbouring communities and adopted Islam from the Somali.
(vii)         Assimilation of some communities they came into contact with e.g. Oromo.
(viii)       Their settlement in high agricultural potential areas e.g. river valleys encouraged some of them to practice crop farming.
Any 4 points 2 marks each (8 mks)

Effects of Cushites migration

1996 17. b) Explain five results of the settlement of the cushites in Kenya during the pre-colonial period.
i.        The cushites came with their own livestock and so encouraged livestock farming in areas where they settled.
ii.        Their settlement led to increased rivalry and conflicts for ownership of land
iii.        Some cushites who had been converted to Islam spread the religion in the areas where they settled.
iv.        The cushites attacked the Eastern Bantu communities who had settled at shungwaya, and forced them to move to their present homeland in Kenya.
v.        The cushites intermarried with the communities they found in the areas where they settled.
vi.        The cushites attacked the Eastern Bantu communities who had settled at shungwaya, and forced them to move to their present homeland in Kenya.
vii.        The cushites intermarried with the communities they found in the areas where they settled in Kenya. (There was increase in population)
viii.        Trade developed between the cushites and the example they exchanged livestock products such as milk and butter with the Bantu and in return they obtained grains from the Bantu.
ix.        The Bantu borrowed some to the cultural practices of the cushites e.g. Circumcision.
x.        Cushites learnt mixed farming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      i.            Any 5 x 2 marks
1998 2.  In what TWO ways the Kenyan communities interacted during the pre- colonial period?
(i)              Through trade
(ii)            Through warfare
(iii)          Through intermarriage
(iv)           Through common festivals/ceremonies e.g. wrestling cultural exchange e.g. language                                                    (2mks)
2000 1.  Ways in which the Akamba interacted with the Agikuyu in the pre- colonial period
(i)              Trading activities
(ii)            Intermarriages                                                (2 mks)
2001 1.            State two ways in which the Nandi and the Abaluyia communities interacted during the pre- colonial period.
i.        Through trade
ii.        Through wars/ raids
iii.        Through sporting activities
iv.        Through intermarriage
Any 2 points, 1 mark ( 2 mks)
2002 1.  State one way in which the Abagusii and the Kipsigis interacted during the pre-colonial period.
(i)        Intermarriage
(ii)       Trade
(iii)     Raids/warfare                                     Any 1 point mk each= 1mk
2003 2.  Give one way in which the knowledge of iron working helped in the migration of the Bantu.
i.It enabled them to clear their way as they moved.
ii.Their superior weapons enabled them to defeat their enemies.
iii.They were able to grow enough food crops to sustain them.
Any 1 x 1 = (1mks)
2003 18.a)   State three ways through which communities in Kenya interacted during the pre colonial period.
(i)  Communities exchanged goods through trade.
(ii)            They raided each other for livestock
(iii)          They fought wars with each other.
(iv)          They inter married
Any 3 x 1 = (3mks)
2004 1.  State two ways in which Kenyan communities interacted during the pre- colonial period (2 mks)
i.        Through trade
ii.        They intermarried/ marriage
iii.        Through raids for livestock
iv.        They fought wars with each other
v.            Sports e.g. wrestling
2005 18 (b) Explain five result of the interaction between the Bantu and the Cushites in the pre-colonial period.
i.        Intermarriages which strengthened relationships between communities.
ii.        Some Bantu adopted Islam from the Cushites.
iii.        Some Bantu copied some customs of the Cushites such as circumcision and age set systems.
iv.        The Bantu and Cushites raided other for cattle which led to loss of property and lives/increased welfare.
v.        Cushites attacked the Bantu which led to further migration (e.g. Orma/Oromo Oromo/Galla pushed the Eastern Bantu from Shungwaya)./Displacement
vi.        The cushites and the Bantu exchanged goods which led to the development of trade.
vii.        Some Cushites were absorbed/assimilated by the Bantu.
Any 5x2= (10mks)
2011 3 Give two reasons why Kenyan Communities fought against each other during the pre-Colonial period.                                                                 (2 marks)
         i.     Competition for land for cultivation/settlement.
       ii.     Competition for water/pasture.
     iii.     To demonstrate their military power.
     iv.     To raid for cattle. Any 2x1=2 marks

Revision Questions

1.     How did the Kenya communities interact during their migrations and settlements?
2.     Describe the migration of the:
a)                         Cushites
b)                         Bantu
c)                         Nilotes
3.   Identify the impact of the migrations of the following:
a)                         Bantu
b)                         Nilotes
c)                         Cushites
4.   Describe the effects of the interactions of the Agikuyu and the people they came into contact with during migration.
5.   Describe the course and effects of the migration of the Luo.
6.   Why did the Bantu migrate from Shungwaya?

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